April 19

God’s Preperation

How has God been preparing you to do work for him?

I think that God has been preparing me in a few different ways.  Like how he has blessed me so many times, over and over. I am not complaining, I am very grateful for what he has given me. I have a feeling that because of all the blessings God has been preparing me to be a giving person. One of the experiences I have had is when my mom got in her accident, I know I wasn’t there, well I wasn’t even alive yet but by listening to stories told by my parents I know that I am blessed to be living. Because God could have taken my moms life right then, in an instant. But he didn’t and if he had I wouldn’t be here, neither would my two younger siblings or my mom. I thank God for that blessing far more times then I could count! I also think he has given me the gift of working and dealing with younger kids. I absolutely love kids!  I am hoping to get a career with them. I also enjoy working with those with disabilities, like down syndrome. I am loving my life and the many things God has blessed me with. Thanks God. 🙂

February 18

Why is it important that we study christian persecution?

I think that it is important because then we realize that it is good to pray for other people. Also because if we were suffering then we would really enjoy if people cared even a little about us. I am sure that if we didn’t learn about this we would have no idea about anyone being persecuted especially someone with the same believes as us. I feel like all we would pray about is our grandma or someone who has a cold and thats good and all but that only focuses on people near us when there are people like us on the other side of the world suffering in ways we couldn’t imagen.

November 23

Thoughts about Jesus’ Crucifixion.

I think this was good for us to take a deeper look at how God does things. I think God is great to us and we should share that with other people. I feel like we will never feel the pain Jesus did and I can kind of see why he said the things he did even though I wasn’t feeling what he was feeling. I really liked this lesson it brought me deeper into what he was feeling. I will never know how Jesus felt but I know that this has brought me closer to knowing somewhat of what he felt by what he said.

November 9

God Sightings

I saw God through kids and how they pray, I think it seems like nonsense to us but for them they are saying the best prayer ever said. I kind of like it when they just keep saying “Thank you for my mom and dad, and my brother and sister, and grandpa and grandma…” and they just keep adding on the there ‘thank you’  run-on sentence. 😛  . I also like it when they keep asking for stuff like “I would really like the lego set with the big truck even though I won’t get it I still want it. Oh and thank you for mom and dad, and I want the lego set with the big truck…’ and so on until you have to stop them. Or when they ask to pray before snack but they end up praying for mom and dad again, “Thank you for mom and dad and my brother and sister…”

Thats how I saw God. 🙂




January 16

Bible Exam: Part 1

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P.S. I may have gotten some messed up, if so then please comment and let me know. Thanks Abby.

September 11

New Addition Detecation

My hope is that they will put glass over top of the rocks so when we walk in we can see them. I pt part of John 3:16 on it and drew the three crosses on a hill with a heart on Jesus’ cross, the part of John 3:16 I wrote “for God so loved the world.”