2 pedro 1:20-21

2 Pedro 1:20-21

20. Ante todo, tengan

muy presente que

ninguna profecía de

la Escritura surge

de la interpretación

particular de nadie.

Porque la profecía

no ha tenido su

origen en la voluntad

humana, sino que

los profetas hablaron

de parte de Dios,

impulsados por el

Espíritu Santo.

alians are coming!

Dear Aliana and Aliano  I  want to invite you to visit U.S.A . First it is on planet EARTH . Second The political boundaries are north of MEXICO and south of CANADA.Third Buzz Lightyear will tell you from Pakalala to planet earth . I will tell you from planet earth to U.S.A .(and you should visit Disney World to) (:


GO means to go make disciples. To make more Christians. To go and make them not to just sit there that’s not called to GO that is called just to sit there that’s not doing anything. So go means to not just sit there it is to get up and GO to different places and talk about Jesus. (: