3 interesting Officer Breuker told me…

Officer Breuker has been coming to my class the past few weeks, he talked to me about how smoking is super bad for you… 1 interesting thing is that it clogs you through with smoke and another one is that it goes up to your brain and makes you feel good for a awhile but then it makes you feel worse and you want more and to make yourself better again you half to smoke another dose! also he told me that it wakes your teeth yellow and your mouth look like you have not brushed your teeth in a LONG time because you gums turn redder and more and more unhealthy. Did you know that it has so many drugs in it that can put you in risk of getting super sick like a lot of different types of cancer…OR maybe even WORSE!? All of these drugs can kill you!  I went to D.C this past summer and it was fun… but one thing was that so many people smoked! if I breath in all the time all that smoke it could also put me in danger! But it did not partly because I held my breath and plugged my nose! (: Just remember… if someone in your family smokes, just remember, it is super hard for them to stop.