Rona wanted to make a kite with her little cousin. Her cousin wanted the kite to go as high as an airplane. According to Pinterest, Diamond shaped kites go higher than square kites, so she decided to make a diamond shaped kite. She knows that leg A is 12 inches and she knows that leg B is 12 inches as well. She wants to find out the hypotenuse to put a bow in the middle. Unfortunately, she does not excel in math… reasons unknown. We really need your help, can you find the hypotenuse of the kite for Rona? We’d really appreciate it, send your answer to 215 West Central Ave. That’s her grandmas house. Thanks for your help! Round your answer to the nearest tenth.


I was in group with ZOE and LEEDA last week. We wrote our story about a kite. The cousin, if you read above, wants the kite to go super high. We made our kite out of constructive paper. Apparently, triangle kites go higher that square kites. LEG A is 12 inches and LEG B is 12 inches. We pretended in the word problem that we didn’t really know what the hypotenuse was. The written number problem started by doing 12 squared times 12 squared. Then, we needed to add those answers. That would gives us 288, but, don’t forget to find the square root. The square root is 17. Unfortunately, the kite didn’t really work. Our kite, with ribbons and construction paper, didn’t lift very well off the ground… even with a fan. 


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