

Lo que pasa en el primer capitulo de Desperaux es que un raton llamado Desperaux nace. El es el unico raton que sigue vivo de sus hermanos y hermanas de su edad. Sus otros hermanos y hermanas dicen que el es diferente de todos ellos. Su papa lo ve y dice que es verdad. Desperaux es muy diferente de los otros. Tiene orejas grandes y sus ojos están abiertos, eso nunca pasa. Todos dicen que Desperaux es raro y no va sobrevivir pero el sobrevive.  Que va a pasar después.


Cual es la problema?

La problema es que nadie cree en Desperaux y nadie lo quiere y yo creo que eso va a afectar su vida a adelante y el no sabe y eso va a quizas arruinar su vida porque nadie lo quiere y nadie le ayuda.

1st Person Narrative

I’m at school finally!

For the past 5 years I have been taught at home by my mother. But know I am at school, a real school! I get to learn literature, arithmetic, and reading. I also get to learn music, and gymnastics and I can’t wait until I am old enough to be in the army and begin training (I really want to kill some people). But I don’t like that the tutors charge so much money. My mother can barely afford to send me to school right now and the prices to go to school just get higher as I grow older. I love school and wish I could keep going.  My mother is now very happy because she can finally get more work done around the house, but it annoys her that she cannot go out on the streets alone to get her supplies for weaving. My father was no help because every day he was part of the Council of the 500 and was part of the Assembly and he was gone every-day discussing politics. and now he is away at war. I like that we have a democracy but I don’t like that all these people meet every day (including my father). My mother is thinking of marrying again (I think she likes one of the slaves because she has just brought him his freedom and has been hanging out a lot with him) because she cannot get anything done and cannot trade her goods (especially clothes and jewelry) because she is not allowed to go outside alone and she hates making the slaves do everything because she believes that the slaves are treated unfairly and should be free like others and women should also be able to do that. She especially didn’t like that the slaves had to work so hard like working in silver mines where they could die.  Whenever my mother gets in that mood I tend to avoid her because she is scary when she gets like that. But other than that I really enjoy my life and enjoy playing with my friends, learning new things every day at school, and helping my mom make things well at home. But I really do hope that she will get her wish and that her and her slaves could be free and be declared citizens. That would make my life and her life just a little happier and then we could have a better life. But I really do enjoy my life in Athens!

Los Viajes de Gulliver Capitulo 1

El Resumen…

Lo que pasa es que Gulliver viaja de su ciudad y viene a un lugar llamado Lilliput. Los ciudadanos de Lilliput creen que el es un gigante y al principio lo tienen como un prisionero, pero luego ellos lo tratan mejor y para darles gracias el los ayuda destruir a sus enemigos. Pero luego los jueces de Lilliput dicen que debe ir a la carcel porque el hizo pis en uno de sus ciudades. Asi que el viajo a los enemigos de Lilliput y vivio con ellos. Los ayudo hacer muchas cosas que ellos no podrian hacer sin el. Pero luego el decide viajar de regreso a su casa.

Para ser continuado


Si yo fuera (personaje), yo…

Estaria muy asustado al principio porque estoy con personas muy pequeñas y ellos me tienen como prisionero. Pero despues de un poco de tiempo yo estaria muy feliz porque ellos son mis amigos y yo estoy divertiendome con ellos. Pero despues de que me mandan a la carcel yo estaria muy asustado y enojado porque yo estuve tratando de ayudarlos y ahora me estan mandando al carcel. Pero luego estaria muy solitartio y yo voy a querer ir otra vez a mi casa de verdad.