
Book Order

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Step 1: Raz-kids

Step 2: Enter or choose the teacher’s username: adelgado24

Step 3: Your child finds his or her username on the class chart__

Step 4: Your child enters his or her password__

add.a.lingua ten ways to encourage reading


Practice on skills related to the current unit  Freckle (Class code namvsj)

Multiplicar con gatos

Multiplicaciones juego de memoria

Calculator Chaos

Fractions on a number line

Penguin 2-digit by 2-digit canoe race

Valor posicional


Step 1: XtraMath

Step 2: Email:

Step 3: First name:

Step 4: PIN


An interactive website on the science of flight from the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum


Find your own Bible verse

4D Sgn-ups

Sing-up here

Safe & Fun Websites for kid