
I woke up to the sound of a mosquito buzzing in my ear. Mom opened the blinds and my mom  told me to get up I wanted to sleep a little longer but a mosquito bit me I jumped out of bed and my head hit the selling I din’t remember the selling being this low. I got ready and a mouse ran over my foot squeaking then it stopped on the floor the my cat pranced on it and the squeaking stopped. My cat went on my mothers blanket and just about ruined it but I told him to get of just in time I picked up the mouse and leaned out the window but there were horses and if I dropped the mouse it might scare them so I went to the back window and drooped it so that my cat could have a late breakfast. What i think is going to happen in the book is that her and her grandpa are going to have to move all over the country trying to find a place were the fever has not struck.