How did the sale end up for your company?


What do you think made your company successful or unsuccessful?

we smiled

How did you chose to advertise? Do you think it was successful? Why or why not?

i think it went well

What would you have done differently during market day?

we should had done  a rape

What was your job in your group? In what ways did you do your job well? In what ways could you improve?

my job was marketing director            idk

What was good about working in a group?

we were able to get stuff done

What was challenging about working in a group?

we dis agreed on a lot of stuff

What do you think was the biggest lesson you learned during market day?

don’t be weird

What are 3 pieces of advice that you have for future market day entrepreneurs?

always smile,be nice to your costumers 🙂 ;(  🙁

The New Kid

There once was a little school and a little town.

One day all the kids heard that a new kid was coming their school.

The new kids name was Isaac. People called him shorty because he was short.

He tried to fit in like all the other kids, but every time he tried to be like them, he was bullied and he went home with hurt feelings.

After awhile he realized it was better to be himself than trying to be like somebody else.

When he realized people liked him better when he was being himself , he felt much happier!