I consider the writing and signing of the Declaration of Independence to be the most important thing about the American Revolution. It was obvious to both sides of the affair that the British were the ones with the most power in this situation.  It was a time in our history where the colonists decided to fully stand up to the British and aggressively tell them what needed to be done and why it wasn’t fair that the British had control over the colonists.  A lot of times it is hard to stand up for ourselves and tell others that whether they like it or not what they are doing must come to an end. I think the colonists were very brave to write the Declaration because they had to fully defend their point of view so that the British understood what they were talking about. I think it’s sort of like what we are currently doing in social studies with the treaty of Paris, defending our opinions.  Over all, I have come to the conclusion that the Declaration must have been something really hard to write.