Market Day Reflection

What I learned about collaboration is that if you don’t talk. And if you don’t speak up to what you want and you think it is a really good idea it would help but you are too shy. Some critical thinking is that you MUST work together and think together to make success because every job is important. Something that I learned from creativity is that creativity and colors is crucial because if it was plain and boring then nobody would want it. But when you add color it is great that people are coming to your booth and is picking between all the different patterns. What I learned from communication is that if you speak to your customers loudly and clearly and make eye contact they will feel important. The best thing about market da was when we were on the last rubberband gun and we finally sold it and we were so happy we were the 2nd people to sell out. One of the things that i would change about Market Day is that maybe lower it to $1.00 in the first place so we were prepared and we weren’t stressing about our price and no one was coming until we changed it to $1.00. One of the most IMPORTANT things I learned from Market Day is that communication is everything and having an accurate price is VERY crucial. If you don’t have that you are not a business.