Bible exam


The first old testament thing we learned about was the different names of God. We learned about Yhwh and Él and that they both have different meanings. My visual is the trinity because God has different names as Jesús, The Holy Spirit and God. The theme connects to me through knowing that you name means something, Like Abraham means father of all nations, So every person’s name has a different meaning.



We learned about the Sinai Law and that the 10 commandments is kind of like a wedding vou with Israel. We also learned that Israel went into a cycle and God sent a prophet to make a law, But then Israel did everything right then they broke the vow and did the opposite of what God had sent the prophets to tell israel about. This theme connects to my symbol because the SInai Law is kind of like a wedding vou. This theme connects to my life because we can all not be consistent and go through a cycle of being consistent with God then fading away into the bad things, so we can get distracted. We can sometimes drift away and not be consistent with God and lose trust and start to doubt God.


We learned about Conflict and Doubt, we learned that the Israelites doubted God and the ways of God. So the Israelites did not really like the ways of God. So when God sent a prophet the would go to through the cycle on obeying God than drifting away and going to other golden calfs and starting to doubt God. This theme connects to my picture because I have a picture of a piece of wood drifting in the water, it symbolises that once it was united with other pieces of wood, but now it is drifting. It is like we were united with christ but now we have are drifting away from christ, so we have to learn to stay with God and do what is right and what he sent us to do. This connects to my life because sometimes i ca doubt God when something happens, and you can doubt God and say why wasn’t he present in this moment.




We learned about Slide to Destruction. We learned that Israel went through a cycle for about 100 years, were God would send a prophet, then Israel would do everything right and what God said to do, then they would start to worship Bail or other things that weren’t God. Then they would go into exile the everything repeated. This theme connects with my picture because it’s a rich person and person in poverty. It connects because Israel also took form the poor because that is what their fake “God’s” law was to take from the poor. This connects to my life because it is like having a golden calf in your life, like money that is one on my golden calfs is i can get distracted by God with golden calfs.




We also learned about call. How God will love us no matter what we do in our lives. That God made a promise with us that he will love us forever and that he will bring us to salvation if we obey his ways. We can’t be perfect so he will always forgive us, but that also doesn’t mean you should try to have forgiveness. But we are all not perfect and he can help us with anything. This represents by symbol because it is a picture of a person praying, because it represents that when you pray you can ask for forgiveness. This connects to my life because i have had to ask for forgiveness so many time when i mess up or disobey God in some way.




We learned about Salute to a King. This was the time were israel was desperate for a king and wanted a king. They wanted a malek, which was a kind that wanted army and war and military. God wanted the to have a nagid, a kind who follows God, but israel wanted a melek This ties into my symbol because it is crown crossed out. This ties in with life because we can want money or things instead of God.




We learned about Slavery/Salvation. In this lesson we talked about how God did not seem present in the Israelites problems. This ties into my symbol because it is air, because even though you can’t see it it’s there, kind of like God. This goes into my life really well because i have a lot of problems and i can struggle to see God in my problems.



We also learned about when the Israelites got send to the promise land. The israelites had to trust in God for food and crossing the Jordan river and that he would take care of them and send them safe. This represents my symbol because it is a floatie and it ties in because a floatie keeps you stable and you aren’t a boat but you can trust it to keep you afloat. This ties into my life because i have to trust God that he his in my life and working through it and through my family and all of my problems.lo