
In the old testament names were a very important part of people’s lives. God gave or changed peoples name based on their heart or the mission he had for them. God has many different names to describe his goodness and all He has done for us. These names include Elohim and Yahweh, meaning creator God and relationship God. My visual is a birthday plate, each kid in our family has a birthday plate with our name and other birth information on it. This is a special tradition in our family, to have a plate with your name on it, and to know what your name means, even though names are not as special and important as in the old testament.


Symbol of the Lamp

God promises in the Davidic covenant that through David’s line the Messiah would come. David made many mistakes in his life and was full of sin. Even through David made many mistakes, he followed God’s heart. People said that God’s promise was not true, but some people still trusted God and believed in his promise. Now days we can see how God has fulfilled His promise through Jesus. My visual is a candle snuffer. This reminds me that even if the world tries to “snuff” Gods promises and say that they are not true and will not happen, God is almighty and we can trust in Him.


Something is Rotten

In the old testament, Israel had many evil kings one after another. God sent Elijah to be His light in Israel. Elijah confronted the prophets of Baal at Mt. Carmel to demonstrate the power of Baal verses the power of God. After God had shown his power, Elijah asked the people how long they would waver between God and Baal, but the people of Israel said nothing. My visual is a tunnel with light at the end, this symbol represents when there is evil in a place, God sends a light. God puts people in our communities now days to shine His light, but even after the light is shared with some people, they may change from doing the things that are not pleasing to God.


Covenants with God

A covenant is a deal or promise. The two types of covenant are conditional and unconditional covenants. In a conditional covenant with God, if the people broke their part of the covenant, God would punish them. If the people followed their part of the conditional covenant, God would bless them. In a unconditional covenant, even if the people broke their part of the deal, God would still keep his part of the covenant. My visual is shaking hands, nowadays people shake hand to confirm a deal or covenant. We usually have deals that are recorded on electronics, but handshaking is usually the way that people confirm that deal.




In the old testament God called many people including Abraham, Isaac and Jacob to do his work. God promised to give them land and to become a great nation. God still calls people today to do His work in the world. The are many different way that God may calls us, including through other people. We should pray, read the Bible and listen to God to know the plan he has for us. My image is a phone, this is a way that we receive calls from people, but God may call us through the Holy Spirit or other people.



Many times throughout the old testament, people do things that intend to harm others, but God uses these things to do good and further His kingdom. For example, Joseph’s brothers sold him into slavery, but God uses Joseph’s situation for good by raising him to power in Egypt and saving his family from a famine. Later in the Bible, the pharaoh of Egypt intended bad for Moses, and for him to die, but God used that situation for good and the pharaoh’s daughter rescued Moses. Moses later freed the Israelites from slavery in Egypt. My visual is a wall, this represents how when people “throw” something at a wall intend for bad, God returns it as good.  I learned that if you are going through a hard time and think that there is no way that God can use this for good, just pray and wait. God is the same as He was with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and will always be the same, all powerful, faithful and present.


Sinai Law

God gave us laws to protects us, because He loves us and cares for us. The Sinai covenant says that God with be our God, but that means that we have to obey His laws. God’s laws should be in every part of our lives, so that we can praise God and give Him glory. God’s laws are to protects us, they are what is right for us, even if we can not understand why. My visual is a coast guard approved life jacket. When I sail I have to wear a coast guard approved life jacket, this is because these types of life jacket flip you right side up if you get knocked unconscious and are in the water, even though they may not be as comfortable and are bulkier than life jackets that are not coast guard approved.