Science Bridge

For Science class, we are building towers out of toothpicks and elmer’s glue. We are using a log cabin technique for the bases and a triangle technique on the sides so far.


Second day: We finished up the sides and drew the bridge. We continued to work on the actual road of the bridge.

Third Day: We are almost done! We stuck toothpick inside of the base so it wouldn’t move around and we strengthen the road of the bridge so that dowel would have a strong place to hold.

Fourth Day: We glued toothpicks to the bottom of the bridge so it’d be more secure.


Fifth Day: Our bridge broke in half so we spent a lot of time trying to make that not happen again and gluing it back together. We also tried to glue on the sides.


Day Six: Today we put it together.

Testing day: Our bridge held 6 whole pounds! It bent in until it was almost touching the cardboard and then it snapped.

God at Work

Before Paul experienced God’s presence, Paul was a persecutor of Christians. But then God came to him and changed him for the better. His name was then changed to Saul and he preached the gospel to so many different places and people. God used Paul’s experiences with Christians in his past to use him in his future. Saul was very smart and knew a lot of languages so he could speak to people that needed to hear God’s word. He also had Jewish and Roman citizenship so the people there could think, “This guy is from where I am from and maybe he has something good to say.”

All my gifts and talents come from above and, just like Saul, are going to be of help in the future even if I don’t exactly know what that might be. God has blessed me with the gift of working with special needs kids. The kids bring so much joy to my life. They don’t judge, they love. They are always positive about everything, having tons of fun every minute you look at them. Now, I don’t know anything about my future because that is in God’s hands. It is his will what I am going to do. But maybe my job would include of special needs kids made by God in the future.

Volcano Project

In science class, we had to create a volcano out of paper mache. We based ours off of Mauna Loa. In the middle, there is a piece of a PVC pipe. Then we attached wires to the inside and laid paper mache on top. We painted it and labeled it and this is are final project.

Christian Persecution in Egypt

Last week Friday, we had a PBL unit. Everyone in our grade was separated into groups and were assigned different countries that persecuted Christians. I hope you can learn a lot through the video below!

Entrada de Blog #5

Los hospitales en chile no están muy actualizan. Los hospitales tienen medicina por los personas enfermeros. En una hospital los enfermeros reciben extraer la sangre. Después de la extraer la sangre, la persona acosta. Los niños reciben una inyección en el medico. El medico pregunta la persona “Que te duele?” 

Quien? Las policias

Que? Una casa encantada tienen muchísimos fuegos, y la actividad de miedo.

Cuando? Marzo 1

Donde? Carabineros de Chile

Como? No se!

Por que? Porque no se! Las policias no se! (el url por el sitio de web)

Entrada de Blog #4

En Chile, el chicos juegan futbol americano. Futbol americano esta juegan en una campo.

Image result for futbol americano en chile

En Chile esta una deporte se llamo rodeo. La rodeo tienen las caballos y una toro.  Image result for rodeo in chile

Chueca esta muy similar de hockey. La chicos juegan chueca en una campo.Image result for chueca en chile

Futbol esta muy popular en Chile. Futbol esta juegan en una campo. Futbol tienen uno arbitro. Hay una entrenadores por ambos equiposImage result for futbol en chile

Math Project


This is our project. I worked with my classmate Ethan. Our story problem was about a Rockefeller Square in New York. We had to make a model about it and write a story problem. Our story problem was this:

Timmy and Jimmy are making Rockefeller Center’s ice skating rink. They need to make the rink the correct size of 122 x 59 feet. Otherwise there will be no space for the Rockefeller Center Tree. They wait for a cold winter day and hose down the space. Jimmy needs to test that it is the right size. To test this, he skates from corner to corner. He knows that for the size to be correct, he needs to skate a certain distance. How far does he have skate for it to be 122 x 59 feet?

We are learning about how to find a hypotenuse of a triangle using the legs and vice versa.

Entrada de Blog #3: Celebraciones en Chile

Las Celebraciones en Chile

  1. Vina del Mar – No es un secreto. Apertura del Festival de Viña 2010.jpg
  2. We Tripantu – La fiesta tiene muchos decoraciones.  
  3. Santiago a Mil – No necesita  una invitado.  
  4. ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓ Festival de la Tirana – La fiesta no tiene los regalos porque es una desfile. Image result for Festival de la Tirana in chile
  5. ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓ Carnaval Andino con la Fuerza del Sol – Las personas bailan en la calle. Image result for Carnaval Andino con la Fuerza del Sol en chile

En Chile, los personas bailando en la calle. Los hijos gritando por la desfile.

God Sightings

Over the weekend, I watched a Hallmark movie called The Preacher’s Wife. The preacher and his wife weren’t getting along all that well so God sent an angel down to earth in human form. The preacher never got anywhere on time and that frustrated his wife. I saw God through this because he helps us with our problems in different ways for different people.

Thematic Writing

Anna York

Mrs. Roskamp

LA, 8B

19 October 2016

Thematic Writing

I’ve recently read a book called Found by Margaret Peterson Haddix. In the book, there are three main characters. Jonah who is in first person, his sister Katherine, and their neighbor Chip. The book is set in Ohio. Jonah had a very mysterious adoption thirteen years ago. All the files were closed. Chip was always interested in Jonah’s adoption ever since he moved to Jonah and Katherine’s neighborhood. Chip soon figures out that he is also adopted. He’s frustrated that his parents hadn’t told him anything about his adoption, that they had kept it secret. Chip persuades Jonah into learning more about his own adoption since all the files were not exposed. Jonah and his family (his parents and Katherine) met with a guy from the FBI. He hadn’t uncovered any information about Jonah’s adoption, but there were ghostly figures that helped Katherine and Jonah unveil some. Katherine had taken pictures of the files that they had found in the desk drawer. They used that information to help them find other kids connected to both Jonah and Chip’s adoption. All 36 kids attended an adoption gathering at their school. The kids were split into two different groups; one group was a random group of adoptees, and the other group was all the adoptees from the files that the kids had found weeks before. The kids went to a cave where they found out that they are special kids from the past. Found shows that kids need to show their adventurous side; that they should be themselves and be curious.

The kids came upon many conflicts in the book. The kids didn’t know how to get to the end of the ghostly figures that they kept coming upon. They came upon the first one at Mr. Reardon (part of the FBI). A ghostly janitor met Jonah in the bathroom after he got sick from a Mountain Dew that he received from the same guy. He told him to look at the files that were on Mr. Reardon’s desk. The next ghostly figure Katherine noticed. She was sitting in the office when Jonah was getting sick in the bathroom. A ghostly janitor (the same one as Jonah had seen) appeared in front of her and got the files from out of Mr. Reardon’s desk drawer. The next one appeared before the meeting. Jonah and his family were there, but only Jonah and Katherine noticed it was a ghost. He was the one that gave Jonah the Mountain Dew.

The kids also encountered other problems as well. People kept on vanishing. Angela vanished at the library into the trees. JB vanished in and out three times at Mr. Reardon’s office. The kids came up with ideas that didn’t quite fit the situation. They couldn’t find a solution to their problem. They finally asked JB at the end of the book.

Kids should find their adventurous side and step out of their comfort zone, and this book helps them find inspiration to do that. Overall, I really liked the book. It was very intriguing and kept we turning the pages. I think that this book includes some very smart kids who are curious about problems and want to find them a solution. The kids didn’t want to tell their parents because they thought they wouldn’t care, or they would care too much. These kids took on a challenge which most kids wouldn’t do. They steered away from their everyday lives and made their days interesting for a change.

Science Chain


In science, we made chains. We made our chain out of pipe cleaners, straws, string, and popsicle sticks. For this project, my partner was Jazlynn. Our chain has to hold 200 grams, 400 grams, 600, grams, 800 grams, and 1,000 grams all at the same time. I think our chain is string enough to hold that amount of weight.

La Casa


Este una casa en Chile. La casa esta grande y la cerca de la casa al lado de la case de roja y blanco.

Este una apartamento en Chile. En la apartamento, es una cocina, y el dos dormitorios, y hay una sala, y hay una ban.


Image result for room clipart

La dormitorio tiene una cama, una lampara, y una comoda. La cama es azul. La camisa es rosa. El suelo es morado. La comoda esta cerca de la cama. La lampara esta encima de la comoda. La computadora esta en la suelo.

Names of Jesus

This week in Bible we have been studying different names of Jesus. I was assigned a verse in Isaiah.

Isaiah 9:6 says:

“For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And He will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.”

I picked out Wonderful Counselor because I could connect to that most. I’ve been through a lot in my life, and I’m happy to say that I’ve felt God’s presence through every moment. But God is our counselor. In the hard times, in the good times, in days of confusion. He helps you through your life because He knows that you aren’t going to survive on your own. He’s there every single second. He witnesses everything you do, everything you go through. God helps us through every moment of our life. Even the moments we don’t remember.


America del Sur

Argentina, Bolivia, Peru, Argentina, y Paraguay es cera de Chile.

El Oceano Pacifico del Sur esta cerca de Chile.

Los calores en la bandera de Chile esta blanco, azul, y rojo.

Image result for chile flag

La capital de Chile esta Santiago. Santiago estoy muy bonita.

Image result for santiago, chile

Science Boat Project


In science class, we had to make boats that could race through a large PVC pipe. Ours was called Pickle Express and we got fourth place. It went 12.42 seconds. We made it out of styrofoam, foil, tape, hot glue, a film canister, pipe cleaners, note cards, and popsicle sticks. It’s not the prettiest boat ever, but it floats. We wrapped the styrofoam in aluminum foil. Then we put pipe cleaners around it so it wouldn’t bump the sides of the PVC pipe. We attached the “sail” with hot glue. Then we took 6 popsicle sticks and glued them together because the front half of our boat was nose-diving. That added some weight, but we needed more. So we put water into a film canister and taped it down. I worked with Kennedy and she was a great partner. She had some great ideas and I really liked working with her 🙂

My Summer

This summer I hung out with my family and friends. All of my cousins, aunts, and uncles came to Michigan from Colorado, Maryland, and South Carolina. I also brought my brother to college in Illinois. It was fun to help him move in and see him adapt to the “college life.” I look forward to visiting him and go shopping in Chicago. I had a fun time hanging out with friends. We tie dyed at Alliya’s house and we had lots of fun. The tie dye shirts came out great and I wear them a lot. I also went to lots of sports camp and got lots of free T-shirts. I basically just relaxed but it was good break from school.

While the World Watched Response

We read a book called While the World Watched by Carolyn Maull Mckinstry. In the book, Carolyn lives a life filled with judgement and evil. She realizes the hurt and pain in her town Birmingham, Alabama. One morning in September, Carolyn is doing her usual duties in the church when she receives a phone call that she doesn’t really pay attention to. “Three minutes,” the phone call had said. She made her way to the aisle of church, not thinking about the phone call at all. The bomb went off and everyone hit the floor. Minutes later she had been in the bathroom with her friends talking and laughing with them. Later that day, at home, her mother told her some news that definitely changed her life forever. Her four friends in the bathroom were all dead under a pile of rubble in the bathroom that she had walked past many times after the bomb had gone off. One of her friend’s sister had been in the same bathroom with them and survived the explosion with no right eye and only 30% of her vision in her left. The KKK had definitely planted that bomb and later said that the bomb hadn’t gone off at the correct time. Carolyn carried that sorrow all through her life and lost many nights of sleep from this. Later in the book, they planned a march. Children from all over the state came to march with them, both whites and blacks. The police had brought out water hoses to spray the children and later the attack dogs. Later in life, Carolyn went to Fisk University, an all black college in Tennessee. She met her husband in college and later had three daughters total. Carolyn struggled with an awful drinking problem. She made alcohol her best friend who helped her through her depression. She almost lost one of her daughters because of it. She prayed so hard that God would take away her drinking problem and let her be the mother that her daughters needed. Jerome and Carolyn moved their family many times because of Jerome’s job, but finally planted their roots back in Birmingham. The court hadn’t brought up the case right away, but after somewhere around 14 years the court had come across it and sent two KKK members to jail. A lot of things stood out to me in this book. I felt so badly for Carolyn and the loss for her friends. I thought it was very rude and awful that her classmate told her that she was making a big deal out of this. I am very disappointed in my race and I think I would be one of the people who either didn’t get involved with this situation or would be on the blacks’ side.

African Union Day

Yesterday we had a day called African Union Day. If you haven’t heard, Kenya is closing their refugee camps and sending all the refugees back to where they came from or to a different country.  The main problem/question we were trying to figure out was “what could be a possible solution for Kenya closing their refugee camps?” My country was Mozambique and we have most of our refugees fleeing to a camp in Malawi called Kapise. I think we did come across a couple solutions, but we hadn’t agreed on them. The two that we picked were exact opposites of each other and we couldn’t decide on just one.

Boat Trip

On Tuesday, our class went on a boat trip… here are a few things I learned from that experience:

1) Meijer says that the baby wipes are flushable, but they aren’t. People flush them down the toilets and it goes in the lake. Don’t flush wipes down the toilet.

2) I learned that when people live on the lake and have sea grass between the lawn and the lake, the sea grass filters all the fertilizer that is used on the grass so it doesn’t go into the lake. But when people have their lawns that back right up to the lake, fertilizer gets into the lake and fertilizes the stuff on the bottom of the lake and makes the lake all gross and murky.

3) I learned what mesotrophic, eusotropic, and oligotrophic mean. Oligotrophic means that the lake is cleaner and has little bacteria with little fish. Mesotrophic means that the lake is a little more dirty and has more fish. Eusotrophic means that the lake is very dirty and has lots and lots of fish and bacteria.