May 28

African Union Day

African Union Day is when the 7th graders got together and did a meeting of a mock African Union. We were in groups that represented a country and we debated about what to take action about in Burundi. We made a resolution and we told the delegates about it and we voted for who had the best resolution.

the most significant thing to me was learning that Burundi had some conflict and that they were in trouble with the hutus and the tutsis

my fav. thing was debating.

May 5

Invictus response

In the beginning the guards didn’t like each other but as the movie progresses they come more accustom to each other and they ‘become friends’ because they eventually hung out a little bit more and played rugby and they finally at the end of the movie they all finally rode in the same car as the other race and don’t even care, and that is really when apartheid ended.

Pinaar and Mandela at first didn’t really know each other and then they had tea together and then Nelson got to know him a bit more and they became pretty good friends.