March 26

Juan 20:11-18 ¿Por qué quieres que todo el mundo sepa sobre la resurrección de Christo.

Juan 20:11-18

11 pero María se quedó afuera, llorando junto al sepulcro. Mientras lloraba, se inclinó para mirar dentro del sepulcro, 12 y vio a dos ángeles vestidos de blanco, sentados donde había estado el cuerpo de Jesús, uno a la cabecera y otro a los pies.

13 —¿Por qué lloras, mujer? —le preguntaron los ángeles.

—Es que se han llevado a mi Señor, y no sé dónde lo han puesto —les respondió.

14 Apenas dijo esto, volvió la mirada y allí vio a Jesús de pie, aunque no sabía que era él. 15 Jesús le dijo:

—¿Por qué lloras, mujer? ¿A quién buscas?

Ella, pensando que se trataba del que cuidaba el huerto, le dijo:

—Señor, si usted se lo ha llevado, dígame dónde lo ha puesto, y yo iré por él.

16 —María —le dijo Jesús.

Ella se volvió y exclamó:

—¡Raboni! (que en arameo significa: Maestro).

17 —Suéltame,[a] porque todavía no he vuelto al Padre. Ve más bien a mis hermanos y diles: “Vuelvo a mi Padre, que es Padre de ustedes; a mi Dios, que es Dios de ustedes.”

18 María Magdalena fue a darles la noticia a los discípulos. «¡He visto al Señor!», exclamaba, y les contaba lo que él le había dicho.


Es importante saber sobre la resurrección de Jesús porque hay muchas personas que todavía creen que Jesús esta muerto. Hay algunas personas que les dicen a otros que Jesús todavía esta muerto … pero esta vivo. Algunos dicen esto porque solo leen el antiguo testamento entonces solo saben que nació. Algunos solo leen la Tora entonces solo pueden creer lo que escuchan y algunos mienten a ellos lo creen y tenemos que decirles que están incorrectos. También porque si mas personas saben esto van a creer en Dios y la Biblia.

March 10

My Best Reading Response


I am reading a book called The Titans Curse. This book is about a boy named Percy Jackson and he is a demigod. In this book right now Percy is upset because some girls called the huntress won’t let him go on a quest with them because he’s a boy. On the quest he wants to go on he will probably be able to find his lost friend Annabeth. Annabeth got supposedly captured by a monster and Luke (camp half blood’s enemy) is trapped and wounded.

I found a hyperbole in my book it said “I nodded and tried to ignore the big crater that was opening in my chest.” I think that is one because he’s only upset, I’m pretty sure there isn’t a real crater opening in his chest. Another one is “Been on a horse, skimming over the water at 100 miles an hour.” I don’t actually think he’s going quite 100 miles an hour. I also found a simile “I knew most people couldn’t go past 200 feet without crumpling like an aluminum can”. Right now Percy is going down really fast and he compares going down too far to the crumpling a aluminum can.

I really like this book because I’ve read the other books before this one and I like Percy, Grover and Annabeth and now Thelia and the huntress. I like how this book is very engaging and I want to continue to read the sires. I also like it because it’s adventures and the author keeps giving you new characters all the time. I would recommend this book to like 9 year olds and up because it’s entertaining for a whole family even the though I don’t think it would grab little kid’s attention because it doesn’t have pictures. I will see people like in 4th grade to like adults with the books of the series.


March 7

Egypt Exhibit information.

Photo on 3-7-14 at 11.25 AMI loved learning about Egyptian Writing. The modern language is Arabic, but they make their language according to the  sounds of the english alphabet. The Louts flower is a very common symbol that a lot of people used in their writing. Paparis is a type of paper that they used to wright. The ancient language is hieroglyphs and it was written in columns and has a ton of sines. They also had scribes and they were mainly men. They also had river reeds. In ancient arts makeup was a big thing and boys and girls wore it. There also was the nefriti head as an art piece. They also had a lot of musical instruments such as: flutes, castanets, drums, trumpets, lyre, harps, and lutes. In modern arts they have an artist named Adam Hein. They made a lot of crushed bone, chalk, charcoal, lapis luis, vegetable and plant material. Also lead, gold, silver, and copper. They have belly dancing, music, and art pieces.