Month: September 2015

The Civil War Muster

So last week friday we went on a field trip to Van Raalte Farm and we learned about the civil war and lots of things that the kids would do for fun. Plus they shot the gun a lot for us and when I say a lot I really do mean a lot; And they told us a story about Derk Van Raalte and how he got shot and still survived while he was riding his black horse. After he got shot he went to the hospital and they cut of his arm for it went through his hand and shoulder. So in the end he still lived; and the only  horse that he rode was a black horse because that was the same color  of the horse he rode when he was shot.


¿Porque hay estaciones?

Hay cuatro estaciones: invierno, verano, primavera y otoño. ¿Pero como cambian los estaciones? Cambian los estaciones por que la tierra esta en un inclinación de 23.5 grados.También por que la orbita; la orbita es cuando la tierra rota alrededor del sol, toma 365 día (un año) para orbitar una vez.

hay dos hemisferios(medios), hemisferio norte y sur.  Cuando el hemisferio norte es verano el hemesferio sur tiene invierno porque hay la incliinacion.
