Month: November 2015

What I’m Looking Forward to on Thanksgiving and on Thanksgiving Break.

On thanksgiving I’m looking forward to hanging out with my family and friends and mostly eating mashed potatoes, my favorite food. But most importantly I love hanging out with my cousins. What I normally do on thanksgiving is go to both my grand parents house and the barn. The barn is my moms side of the families get together place were we celebrate holidays. When we get there I normally find my cousin and hang out with her, but before we can get to far we have to go and eat when we are done eating we normally go back to what we started of doing.

Como Dios muestra su Fidelidad a nosotros.

Las cosas que Dios hace para mostrar su fidelidad es que él trabaja a través de los cosa malas y nos perdona de los pecados. También él nos a dado un familia para ayudarnos y para amarnos. Él Señor también nos a dado una nueva escuela para ayudarnos aprender sobre él. Unos  versículos que me acuerdan de la fidelidad de Dios es Salmos 145:13 y 1Corintios 10:13. Salmos 145:13 dice: “Tu reino es un reino eterno;tu dominio permanece por todas las edades. Fiel es el Señor a su palabra y bondadoso en todas sus obras”. 1Corintios 10:13 dice:”Ustedes no han sufrido ninguna tentación que no sea común al genero humano. Pero Dios es fiel,y no permitirá que ustedes sean tentados mas allá de lo que pueden aguantar. Mas bien, cuando llegue la tentación, el les dará también una salida a fin de que pueden resistir”.

El Planeta Mercurio

El planeta mercurio es el planeta mas cerca al sol. Mercurio es 36 millon de millas desde el sol. La temperatura de mercurio es -298ºf a 872ºf. El diametro equatorial de Mercurio es 3,013 millas.

How are we apart of the Covenant that God made with his people in the Old testament

We are all apart o the covenant of God if we know it or not. There are many parables in the bible. this one is the story about adam and eve. God said to the serpent<< We will crush your head but you will bight back>> What God is really saying is that he will send a Savior. That savior is Jesus.Even though we are not Israelites  God sent the savior for everyone including the people who were not even alive yet(That would be us). He saved us from our sins, he changed us, he made us new.

What Im Thankful about my Grandparents.

I’m thankful for my Grandparents and what they do for me. Some things that I’m thankful for about them is that they will do whatever you want to do. Even if it’s making a fort and throwing fake snowballs.

Another thing is, is that as you get older you start to find out how much they really care about you and your life. And another thing is that they spoil you by giving you a great experience when you’re with them.