
By; Bennett Zink


I thought I would be the only child till my brother came along. I never thought I would get a  brother but, sure enough I did. I did know we were going to have a new baby but, it was unexpected.


It had happened so quickly. One day I was an only child. The next day I had a brother. I had a felling that I would have a brother my whole childhood. A new member of the family. I had all the attention In the family. Now all of the attention is on him. I knew at the moment in the hospital when I saw him my whole life would be changed.

It is like a 3-D movie when something pops out of the screen and you jump a little or when you get thrown a surprise party that you had no clue about.


It takes a while to get used to a brother at home. It takes days,weeks, or even months to get used to another person in the house. He would cry all night and, would stop at seven in the morning. He would get really annoying because, he cried all night and he would sleep all day. He was very loud and energetic. My mom would get so tired that she could barely get up in the morning. It is like when you stay up late on a school night and are exhausted the morning. I remember on one New Years Eve when it was three in the morning and I was so tired I could not think right.


I wish my parents told me about it. I wish I knew when I woke up the next morning and saw my grandpa eating eggs and bacon. Sitting on the couch and watching the news. I look at my grandpa. He doesn’t see me. So I creep by him and go into my parents bedroom. There is no one in there. The bed is made too. I run out of their bedroom trying to be quiet. I see my grandma in the kitchen making toast. I think she sees me but, I’m am not sure.

“Good morning” she yells from the kitchen. “You are an early bird.”

“Where is mom and dad?” I ask.

I was only four at the time so was very nervous when grandma said they’re in the hospital.


“Mom is having a baby!’


“They left in three in the morning.” grandpa said with his mouth full of eggs. “Have an egg” grandma yelled from the kitchen. She handed me the egg. The yolk was slowly sliding to one end of the plate. I ate the gooey egg as fast as I could.

I kept saying “Can we go yet?”.

They got ready really slowly. It was almost lunch time when we left. It was a long drive to the hospital. My grandparents are the slowest drivers in the world when I am in the car. When we got to the hospital we were greeted by someone I did not know. He took us to the room mom and dad were in. When we got there we had to stay outside the door till they were ready for us to come in. They said we could come in. Inside of the room were two nurses, mom, dad, and the baby.

“Who is that?” I ask.

“He is Brady your new brother.”

“ I have a brother?”

“Now you do.”

“I thought it was going to be a girl” grandma said interrupting our conversation. There it was. So quickly it happened.


There is someone else in the house. He cries, he moans, he doesn’t sleep much. Soon he will grow up and who knows what he will be or what will happen.


Today I have a brother and I always will. You can’t change it and that is the way it is. It all happened so quickly.One day you are an only child, the next you have a brother. It was like a roller coaster. You are at the top and with a blink of an eye you are at the bottom.

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So do not fear for I am with you do not be dismayed for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you I uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41: 10

He said to them; go out into the world and spread the good news to all creation. Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved but, whoever does not believe will be condemned.  Mark 15: 15-16

Are not two sparrows sold for a penny. Not yet one of them will fall to the ground apart from the will of your father. And even the very heirs of our head are all numbered. So do not be afraid you are worth more then many sparrows.    Matthew 10: 29-31

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British army



Military-They had a citizen soldiers they were untrained but, they were good with guns and owned guns they had very few cannons. The soldiers would quit at harvest time

Military-The british had the best army in the world at the time. They had lots of soldiers. They had a well established Government



Geography- They were on home land and knew were to cross rivers and were everything was. They were great wilderness fighters they had lots of help from other countries

Geography- They were not use to fighting in the wilderness. They had to sail across a ocean to get the colonies. They did not know their way around the colonies either.



Supplies- They had little supplies but, they owned their own guns and little amount of cannons. They were dependent on states for funds.

Supplies- They had lots of cannons and they were really good with their guns and bayonets they had lots of ammo and rarely ran out.



Money-They had little money and the British put taxes on the Colonists.

Money-The British had lots of money because, they put lots of taxes on the Colonists.



Overall-  They were good wilderness soldiers but, they were citizen soldiers. They owned their own guns and had the French on their side. They didn’t have a lot of money and stole cannons.

Overall- The British were a great army they have money and good soldiers. They had to travel  across an ocean to get to the colonists and were bad wilderness fighters.



Bennett, Elijah, and Logan


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Here is a list of things I like about mom.

1.She is always there for me. 2.She drives me to all the places I have to be. 3.She keep the house clean does lots of things for me. 4.She can keep up with what is going on.5. She helps me when I need help. Those are some of the things I like about my mom.


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I would not like to change my name. It would be weird having a different name and being called a different name all the time.

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On Easter Jesus rose from the grave and proved he is the son of God. He defeated sin on Easter and saved all of us from death. We of white as snow and all of our sins are forgiven. Some people on Easter think it is all about the Easter bunny on candy and eggs. It is not it is about Jesus.

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April 14, 2014
This spring break I stayed home. I went to my Grandparent’s house in Detroit while my parents were running a half-marathon. I also went to my cousin’s 2nd birthday. I did a lot of fun things around home too . One of the bad things was I had to get three shots in one day my arms were sore for two days. It was windy and rainy most of the time so I watched movies.

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I will go to my grandparents and my parent will run a half marathon. I will play lazer tag at BAM with my brothers. My cousins 2nd birthday too. I will not go anywhere on vacation for spring break but I will still have a good time.

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Me Gabe,Sarah,and Jazlynn built a roller coaster at school on March 28, 2014. I used foam pipe insulation,tape,and a marble. It was not steep it was on a wall and went fast. It went through a clown face and in to a tunnel then went on a loopy loop it was fun to built it and to look at other roller coasters. I think it was a good way to end the unit.unnamed

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I think the proclamation of 1763 and the Continental Congress were the causes of the Revolutionary War.

The Proclamation of 1763 because that is what started the fighting beween the Colonist and the British.

The Continental Congress because that is what started the real war the Revolutionary war

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A think it was the British fault. Little kids started throwing snowballs at British. Then they start pushing the kids away with their bayonets so their parent came out with clubs to defend their kids. That is how the Boston massacre started. The British say we were yelling fire to tuant them but the church bells rang witch ment there was a fire. That is why they were yelling fire. The british started firing and hurting and kill the colinists.

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Dear King George,

I think you are a good king but, you need to stop the taxing. The people of my town are upset withyou. I am angry because, we don’t have represation. You are still putting taxes on stuff.
I am most upset about teh stapt act. Why are you putting taxes on paper product? I think it in unfair and i what you to stop all of the taxing.


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My was trying to make people go to rhode island in 1750. I had to go back to 1750 back still have our computers. We were doing a pitch tip of thing.

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1. A memoir is a memory of a moment or day in your life that is valued. I learned that a memoir can be two kinds of writing: an essay and a personal narrative.

2. I thing my memoir is going good. It is not as easy as I thought it would be. It is hard to come up with ideas while I am writing. I also am I slow writer.

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Photo on 2014-01-30 at 10.46Photo on 2014-01-30 at 10.47Photo on 2014-01-30 at 10.47 #2Photo on 2014-01-30 at 10.48

This is my finished project.

Reasons for leaving





They had to leave because of religion struggle. They had to have secret meetings because if the king caught them they could be lose their jobs, get thrown in jail, or even killed. The king forced everybody to worship other and fake gods.




The pilgrims lived in Plymouth England when King Charles was anointed king of England. The Pilgrims had the secret meeting in hidden rooms in their house’s. Sometimes they got caught when someone had to come and get taxes from the Pilgrims. Many Pilgrims were thrown in jail at the time. So they came up with a plan to make a big boat and sail to the new world. They knew it would be a long journey but, the only other choice was to get thrown in jail.




It would have been hard leaving your friends and family on a wooden boat to sail to a new place and they would also have to start a new town. It was going to a very long journey across the Atlantic Ocean. They had to get a lot of supplies it took about two years to get all the supplies they needed. You would have to leave all your aunts, uncles,cousins, and your grandparents. You would never see them again.





The Mayflower


The Mayflower departed on September 6, 1620. The Mayflower was 90 feet long and had 102 passengers. The Mayflower was a small and over crowed cargo ship. They passengers ate dried fish and beans for dinner. A baby was born on the Mayflower they named the baby Oceanus. One of the rooms in the Mayflower had 65 families living in it.  The boys and girls on the Mayflower played with dice,tops, or knitted. The

Captain of the boat was Miles Standish. The Mayflower was estimated to weigh about 180 tons.


It sailed from Plymouth England across the Atlantic ocean to New Plymouth with is now in Massachusetts. New Plymouth is about 3,000 miles away from Plymouth. Someone on the way fell overboard and luckily got pulled up. There was diphtheria and smallpox spreading and many passengers got sick. The Mayflower arrived at New Plymouth on November 21, 1620. The voyage was 66 days long.



The Hard Winter


They had a really hard first winter in the new land. A lot of sickness caused poor shelters. The cold winter winds would blow throw the doorway. There was frost bite, pneumonia, diphtheria, and colds spreading around. There was only 8 heathy people to help the people that were sick. Half of the Pilgrims died in that really hard winter.  There were more kids that survived then adults in the winter.



The First Thanksgiving


The first thanksgiving was on November 11, 1621. The Pilgrims and the Indians just finished hunted and collected there crops and had a feast. There was venison,stuffed cod,goose pudding,fruit tarts,corn pasties,soup,trifle,stewed pumpkin,Corn,carrots,beets,bread, squash, and potatoes. There was cherries and blueberries. The men tried to hit a target with there muskets while indians tried to hit a target with there arrows. The first thanksgiving lasted fourteen days that is two weeks.The Pilgrims danced and played. The Pilgrims were grateful for all the things they had.




The Pilgrims became friends with the Indians. The Indians taught the Pilgrims how to make spears and traps for animals. The men would build shelters while

the women would cook.  The Indians taught the Pilgrims how to grow crops.  The women would cook with kettle pots and clay bowls. They would brush there teeth with short pine bristles. The mint on the bristles made there breath smell better. The boys and girls played games like swimming and running. They had pets like rabbits,dogs and even squirrels. Some of the men would go out in the forest to cut down trees with axes make from a strong sticks and stone.


The Pilgrims hunted with the Indians they caught deer and fish. The Indians taught the Pilgrims how to make knifes from stone. They built small cabins made from wood,stone,tall grass, and clay. They would train dogs to protect them. They collected water from springs near by. It was spring and they started to grow crops and by the time it was September they enough food for the whole winter but, then a another ship came with a hundred more people. They quickly ran out of food and by January they only got one small meal a day. That next spring cargo ship came with supplies. Soon the small town of New Plymouth began to grow. The town soon became a city and that is when the United States started to form.


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I am starting to add all of my information into paragraphs.

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I learned how to put a photo in a photo  and how to make part of the scene. I like because you can make funny scenes and it is fun.I didn’t like all the bugs there were of how confusing it was. I could make a slide show or a card with Sumo Paint. I also learned how to make pictures the size you need them to be.

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These are the notes of information.

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This is my first draft I put information on sticky notes then put the ideas in to paragraphs.

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