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Thoughts about Jesus’ Crucifixion

I think that the seven last phrases that Jesus said can teach us a lot. The two posters I choose to focus on were practice obedience and trust in God. I think that these two phrases go together because to be able to be obedient to God you have to trust that He has the best plan and obeying Him is the right thing to do. Another one of the last phrases that I learned about Jesus threw was desire that forgiveness is given. I think this would have been really hard to desire forgiveness for the people because they were killing her.

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God Sightings

This weekend I saw God at my youth group retreat. We went to camp geneva so we were by the lake. We learned about the importance of taking time to be alone with God. One day we were taking some time to be alone with God we were outside and I saw God through His creation of the lake and the fall leaves.

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Theme Writing

Chloe Ensing
8B L.A
19 October 2015

The book “Grace Gold and Glory” is written by Gabby Douglas and Michelle Buford. The book tells the true story of two-time olympic gold medalist gabby douglas. The book shows how her faith and her family shaped her when she was growing up. I tells about the struggles her and her family went through we she was younger like being homeless, having a bad sickness when she was a baby, bullies at her gym, and wanting to quit when gymnastic seemed to hard. A theme is saw throughout the book Grace, Gold, and Glory is that with a strong faith in God, determination every goal is possible and there are several places in the story that this theme is supported.

As gabby grew up her mom was a great role model for her and her three siblings. Her dad was often gone and her family didn’t have much money so her mom had to do her best and lean on her faith to get through the hard times they faced. One of the hard times was when Gabby was a baby she got very sick. At the time her family was homeless and living in a van. Even in this hard time Gabby’s mom prayed and kept a strong faith in God and He answered her prayers, after a couple of months Gabby’s sickness had completely gone away and she was healthy again. I think that her mom is a big part of this story because her example of strong faith shaped Gabby and encouraged her through her life.

Throughout the book Gabby and her family continue to struggle with not having much money. She tells the story of when her mom and her are shopping at the grocery store. Her mom was going to use her food stamps but she is embarrassed because when they get to the check out her mom sees a friend. So she pretends to have forgotten something a does not check out until her friend leaves. The book tells about how her mom continued to send Gabby to gymnastics and dedicate a lot of time and energy to it so that Gabby could continue to get better at gymnastics. Gabby was great a gymnastics ever since she was little and was naturally talented. Her siblings helped teach her and also had to give up some things so that she could continue to work up to her goal of being in the olympics.

As Gabby grew up she continued to dedicate a lot of her life to getting better at gymnastics and working to achieve her goal of winning a gold medal in the olympics. As she got older she started going to bigger competitions and continued to do well. She moves away to continue her gymnastic training and lives away from her family with a host family. While she is there she gets discouraged and misses her family a lot. She considers quitting gymnastics and moving back with her family. Even though this is a hard time her family continues to encourage her and will not let her give up because she is so talented. I think that this must have been hard for her family to continue to encourage her because they must have also missed her so they could have let her quit because they missed her.

A theme is saw throughout the book Grace, Gold, and Glory is that with a strong faith in God, determination every goal is possible and there are several places in the story that this theme is supported. I think that this is a great book because it teaches you to be determined and to lean on God in the hard times and thank him in the good times. I think that this book is especially good for teaching these lessons because it is a true story written by a teenager. Some stories don’t seem like the lessons can be applied to our lives because they don’t seem realistic, but because this is a true story and written by a teenager I think is more easy to relate to.

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