Market Day-Final Reflection

How did the sale end up for your company?

we had a great time,we made  $ 105.00 and sold 125 bags for 1.00. Some sold for 50 cents

What do you think made your company successful or unsuccessful?

because we had music to drag in customers.And we put signs up to help.

How did you chose to advertise? Do you think it was successful? Why or why not?

we did a commercial and put up posters.

What would you have done differently during market day?

help more with the cash box and counting.

What was your job in your group? In what ways did you do your job well? In whatways could you improve?

being the manger,helping advertise and making sure everyone was doing there job.

What was good about working in a group?

you did not have to rush to make your product.

What was challenging about working in a group?

you had to think of a product that everyone liked.

What do you think was the biggest lesson you learned during market day?

work together.

What are 3 pieces of advice that you have for future market day entrepreneurs? four people is good for a group.

pick your product wisely.

work together

Market Day- pitch reflection

When I walked into the room I was nevos, but not for long we went and showed them our keynote,they asked us some things about our company like what the price of our product would be at market day.We at the begining had asked for 4% back to them but they said that was a little low.They wanted at least 6% back.Frank one of the V.C  made the first offer he said,”I will give you $40 with 10% back.” then jim said,” I will do 10 cents a bag back.” we chose jim’s offer and got $40! I was happy when we were done for two reasons one was that we got $40 and two that we got an offer.


save the rainforest

save the rainforest! You can help save the rainforest by not using rainforest produce like: shampoo,use less plastic and gasoline,don’t litter you can plant trees or give money to help plant trees.All these things can help the rainforest.the rainforest gets 100 inches of rain a year. 5% of the world is rainforest. rainforest are getting chopped down to make room for cows,crops and buildings.Anyone can help give a little bit of money can make a big difference or if you just stop buying a brand of shampoo that was made in the rainforest.You can make a big difference! If you read the blog post,comment.