Eagle Huntress

I think the film was pretty cool and I did not know that people in Mongolia hunted with eagles and that their is competitions for eagle hunters. and I learned that they go to school 5 days a week and they sleep their because the school is way too far from their house.and I learned that they drink goat or horse milk.

I somewhat agree with the article that it is staged because it didn’t seem very realistic and of course she won so I agree with the article that it was a “Fairytale Documentary”.

Saugatuck Film Festival

Solar System~

it made me think of the moon landing was a hoax. it was cool to see how far Apart they actually are. and it was neat.

Running Wild~

its pretty cool that they are trying to find the wolverines. it would be scary to be one of the runners because their are wild animals. and it would be hard to run that much. and i want to see a wolverine.


Canyon song~

This one was kinda cool and it was interesting.if i had a navajo heritage i would want to learn about my culture and were i come from and who my ancestors really were and what they did.


Possible Jobs~

Film maker,Rock climber,work for Cliff,Surfer,Camera man,Runner,Musicians,Product designer,Electrician,