Theme 5 – Sent to promised land


Posted by cvandenbosch22 | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on December 19, 2016

Sent to promised land

We need to trust God. The Israelites trusted him to bring them food to eat when they needed it. When they had to cross the river they were scared to but they trusted in God to keep them safe. We need to trust in God to keep us safe and he will always be with us. When my uncle was really sick and he died I had to trust God to get me through it and then my grandpa great died and that was even more ruff because my uncle died a month before so I had to really trust in God. My visual is a trust fall because we need to trust that the person will catch us. My reflection is it is hard to trust in God when times are hard.





Comments (1)

Cade, that was a painful time for our family, wasn’t it?!?! I think that going through that together helped all of us trust God more and depend on each other more!

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