Posts Tagged Africa

Repaso del Desafio de Africa

Mi parte favorito de esta actividad fue el debate porque primero, fue divertido, porque gustaba ver a “delegados” de otros paises argumentando, segundo, los dos lados tenian puntos buenos, y finalmente, realizo que delegados de la UA real tenia que debatir de cosas como estos mucho mas y que lo estabamos haciendo solo fue un poquito de la vida diaria de los delegados reales. Tambien hablabamos con al embasador del EEUU al DRC, fue el delegado de EEUU al DRC.

Yo aprendi que no todas las personas piensan lo mismo que usted a pesar de que pienses que es correcto.

Mi papel fue el departamento de defenso y seguridad. Nosotros estabamos hablando/debatiendo del conflicto de Mali.



Before this, I considered Africa to be all savanah, slums, mud huts, with maybe a few towns and cities scattered here and there, however, now I think of africa as both more developed and less developed in many ways, first of all, I found it was less developed in the sense that dispite all of Africa’s resources, very little was made from them. Also, apparently, African education is even lower than i expected, and that so many Africian children my age haven’t even set foot in a class room, that the majority of orphans in the world were from Africa, and that many of those orphans were orphaned because of HIV Aids. Fortunatlely, treatment for HIV was getting it’s way through Africa and to the countries, towns and tribes that need it.


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