September 7, 2019

Dear families,

Thank you so much for coming to the parent meeting and for partnering with me this year! We’ve had a good week of learning. I’m also enjoying getting to know your children very much. I appreciate your continued prayers throughout the school year.


(ONLY 3rd Grade) MAP Growth Assessments

We’re looking forward to upcoming MAP Growth assessments during the week of September 13. MAP (Measures of Academic Progress) assessments in Math, Reading, and Language will help teachers to understand what students will be ready to learn throughout this school year. They may use the Text-to-Speech accommodation on the Math assessment, but not for the reading and language assessments, as scores in those subject areas will reflect students’ current English language development. Stay tuned for more detailed information coming soon.

Tuesday Lunch Helper: Joanna Haveman

Thank you for helping out in the classroom!

Featured Friend:

If your kid is the featured friend for that week, please have him/her bring in pictures on Mondays. They may bring in up to 6 pictures, but please bring in one picture of him/her in the past, one recent picture and one picture of his/her family.

Week of September 9: Evie Allen

Week of September 16: Greta Geurink

Field Trip Driver Sign-up

Field Trip sign ups for the 2nd/3rd grade will be on a combined sign up genius this year so we can keep better track of drivers. Please see below for the sign-up link.
Thank you for your help!  We could not do this without you!!

Upcoming events:

September 23 Family Groups – 10:35-11:15 a.m

September 27 Staff Professional Development – No School

September 30-October 3 School Pictures – Prek-8

Curriculum Corner

If it doesn’t mention what grade it belongs to, it means that it applies to both 2nd and 3rd grade.

2nd Grade Math: Unit 1 Addition and Subtraction within 20

  • 1. Strategies using doubles in addition and subtraction
  • 2. Equations and Vertical form
  • 3. Add three or four Addends
  • 4. Add to and take from word problems

3rd Grade Math: Unit 1 Multiplication & Division with 0-5, 9 and 10

  • Multiply and Divide with 2
  • Building Fluency with 2s and 5s
  • Multiply and Divide with 10
  • Multiply and Divide with 9


We are going to continue to practice writing time routines.

We are learning to write personal narratives.  This week, we are going to add conversations into our stories.

Mandarin High Frequency Words to Produce and to recognize:

Students are going to get their second set of new words. There will be a test on Friday for words to produce and to recognize.

Optional Homework:

ZCS is a homework-free school, so this homework is optional.

This year, your kids have lots of High Frequency Words to Recognize. If you want to help your kids memorize those words at home, I will send home flash cards every Mondays. Your kids needs to pronounce the word and say its meaning for every word.

If you want this optional homework for your kid, please email me and I will send home flash cards every Mondays. I have also attached the flash cards below. Thank you!

G3 U1 W1 认卡 英文


  • Adding 吗 to the end of a sentence creates a question that requires a yes or no answer.
  • 是吗 is placed at the end of a sentence to help us confirm or deny a statement.

Bible: Building on the Rock

  • Rock #2: God Placed a Crown of Glory and Honor on each of His Image Bearers
  • Rock #3: Sin Causes Disharmony within each of God’s Image-Bearers.

Bible Memory: 

due Friday Sept. 13

You May use the audio here to help your kids practice at home.

School Theme Verse

Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I. Send me!”   (Isaiah 6:8)

我又听见主的声音说:“我可以差遣谁呢?谁肯为我们去呢?”我说:“我在这里,请差遣我。”  (以赛亚书6:8)


Your children chose books from the classroom library and learned to do “Read to Self”. They have been showing such good stamina during read to self! I have also given them leveled reading books. They put those books in their book bags and have brought the book bags home this past Friday. Please remind your kids to read the book over the weekend.

This week, we are going to continue to practice “Read with someone” routines, and read a lot with their reading friends.

Read-aloud book for this week: Unique Boy.


Investigation Question: How can precipitation data be measured and recorded?

Students are going to design rain gauges to measure precipitation.

2nd Grade Social Studies:

This week we are going to continue to learn Lesson #2 What is a Community? and start learning Lesson #3 Why do People Live in Communities?

Pictures of the Landfill and Recycling Field Trip

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