Archive | April 2015

A run at Turkey Run

 A run  at Turkey Run 

I went to Turkey Run with my family and it was fun,it took 4 hours  to get there and 1 hour  to get to my cousins house but that was worth it to see my cousins that lives in a galaxy far far away  that is called st. Joseph MI.  And Turkey Run  was fun to we went on trails and went through water and at times the water was cold. images-9images-11images-10

This entry was posted on April 30, 2015. 1 Comment

Request foods

My class went to Request foods and it was very very fun we got to see the food be made and it was so cool butt the onion room was the worst smelling of them all we had to putt hair nets it was so weird  we looked silly we also went into the freezer and it was cold and the fridge was not as cold but it still was cold.At  lunch time we had M.C,lazaña and pasta they were all good and at the end we got to eat Wait for ti………………………………………………………….ICE CREAM!!!!!!!! and that was good to the best good and wen i got back to school i will not forget my  fun there


This entry was posted on April 30, 2015. 1 Comment

MI Versiculo biblico favorito es

Mi Versiculo biblico  favorito es  Mateo 18:12-14

12 »¿Qué les parece? Si un hombre tiene cien ovejas y se le extravía una de ellas, ¿no dejará las noventa y nueve en las colinas para ir en busca de la extraviada? 13 Y si llega a encontrarla, les aseguro que se pondrá más feliz por esa sola oveja que por las noventa y nueve que no se extraviaron. 14 Así también, el Padre de ustedes que está en el cielo no quiere que se pierda ninguno de estos pequeños.


porque yo se que dios no va a olvidar a un oveja sus hijos va a tener a todos sus hijos