Archive | May 2015

Raises del mar

Es de un niño nombrado Ramon y un niña Mar y ramon su nombre realmente es deletrado atrases no mar y su ciundad es como el mar  y su papa no legusta el mar y queria saber porque. el y Mar tienen un adventura y conosen a un mujer y ella dice que ramos su tater tater abuelo es capitan gondo mar y el hace un carta a el y ahora siente 
bueno  porque sabe el verdad.
This entry was posted on May 28, 2015. 1 Comment

Toy story 4

If i were to right a 4 movie it wood be like this jessie and woody get married and they have 2  Baby girl’s named Georgina butt everybody called her Georgie for short and Amelia but everybody called her Mia for short and  this is their a adventure as toys in the big  city with a little life  Mia and Georgie have a fun life a head of them and that is what my thing wood be like.


Emma Gruessing 2003-? i’m not dead yet


This entry was posted on May 14, 2015. 1 Comment

Tulip time

What is  Tulip time

it is wen the people from holland celebrate the time of tulip time, dutch is  holland’s them tulips,dutch dancing,prade and firework’s

What  dose my family do

we go to the prade on Wednesday  and Saturday  but not Thursday and we see fireworks at my grate aunt’s ester’s house  but i don’t go because of the loud noise and we se dutch dancing in the stets of holland and we always dress up  in our dutch costume’s  and tulip time is my 3d favorite holiday of the year.


This entry was posted on May 7, 2015. 1 Comment