Wave Erosion in Science Class



In science we researched and presented our findings on erosion. I was assigned wave erosion.  We found seven vocabulary words and made a model with a before and an after visual. In the picture, you can see that it is split in half with a manilla folder. That shows the before and after of wave erosion. Before, is more of a cliff and over time waves broke down and carried sediment away making the after half, looking longer and creating a waterfall from the stream that was there.

In science we researched and presented our findings on erosion. I was assigned wave erosion. We found seven vocabulary words and made a model with a before and an after visual. In the picture, you can see that it is split in half with a manilla folder. That shows the before and after of wave erosion. Before, is more of a cliff and over time waves broke down and carried sediment away making the after half, looking longer and creating a waterfall from the stream that was there.

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Mount Izalco


Photo on 4-20-15 at 1.24 PM #2

This is the volcano that my group made for science class.  It is a composite volcano based on the real volcano, Mount Izalco. We made a poster with all the information that we found from our research on it. We labeled things such as the vent, side vent, lava flow, pyroclastic flow, crater, ash cinder and bombs etc. We researched Cinder-Cone, Composite, and Shield Volcanos. We chose to make a composite volcano, and made this model to better help us understand how Volcanos erupt in a fun kinetic way.

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Christian Persecution in Nigeria


In Nigeria, Christians are getting killed for their faith, mostly by a group called Boko Haram. Many Christians stand up for their faith and need our prayers. We can send letters, and money to people in Nigeria for support. We can pray for them, God hears all of our prayers. ( Matthew 5:11 Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and say all kinds of evil against you because of me.)

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“What was that?” Lila wailed at us in the middle of our game of extreme hide and seek. “I don’t understand, there is no one else here but us…why would someone be here?” murmured Scarlet. Both parents worked late night shiftsWhere is Amber I haven’t seen her for like a whole hour??” stuttered a voice.  “She’s somewhere around here it’s just dark, she’s probably already asleep. She doesn’t do well with Mountain Dew.”   I tip toed through the maze of pillows and blankets that had not been picked up from the forts we built earlier. I neared the base of the speckle carpeted stairs, and took a minute to cope with a plan. I heard something, and it was not the house creaking, or the neighbors dog Biscuit screeching at the leaves that pass in the wind. I crawled hands and knees up to the twelfth step, trying to be extremely quiet. I laid my ear against the wall trying to hear something in the next room. Nothing. I crawled up three more steps to peak my head over the corner so I could try to sense movement in the darkness. My eyes started to adjust slightly, blinking. I shhh’d the girls downstairs with a serious eye. They immediately stopped mid-giggle, knowing something might be up. There! I hear it! Thuds of heavy footsteps marking their spot on the floor.  I calculated the sound, and I believe the thuds mean the unknown is in the kitchen on the wood floor, or the hallway to the northeast of me. Clang! The vase! my mom is going to be so mad! That was her favorite vase, it was from her great grandmother. It has sat on that coffee table literally longer than I have been alive. Wait. Now I know where the unknown is! I scampered up to my feet, and silently maneuvered the chair, the lamp, and other miscellaneous items I remember from when it was light outside, It would be awfully hard to do this in the dark. I tumble over to the light switch, and flip it. Brightness fills the room, blinding my eyes for a few seconds…they adjust. There is no one in sight. I search the perimeter nobody is here. I turn the light switch off and head back down stairs, not knowing what to think.

The next morning I woke up to the smell of sausage and pancakes.  Odd both my parents should be at work.  The rest of my friends were still sleeping because it was pretty early, so I headed upstairs to see who it was. I creeped into the kitchen to find my dad trying to flip a seven inch pancake. “Morning sweetie!”     “Hi dad, What are you doing at home?”  I questioned.   “I decided to call in sick so I could be home this morning to make you girls some breakfast, When I came home all the lights were off and you girls were silent so I didn’t want to wake you.  I went to my room but I couldn’t see in the dark and knocked moms vase off the table.  I didn’t wake you all did I? He explained. “Nope we were already passed out.” I lied.

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The Stoning of Stephen


Photo on 2-4-15 at 6.47 AM

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Two Paragraphs about the Holy Spirit


Everyone has a God consciousness. The Spirit speaks the truth of God into us. Once the Holy Spirit is accepted into our hearts, it is a sign of the pledge that we took, we are God’s children. We received the Holy Spirit because God could not be here personally with us, So he comes to us in the form of the Holy Spirit. Having the Holy Spirit in us, helps us understand, God’s word/the  bible. It makes things more clear. Without the Holy Spirit we would fall short more often. The Holy Spirit is also a gift giver, the gift given to us to give us the power to be witnesses/disciples to talk about and spread the word.

The Holy Spirit brings love, joy, peace, patience,kindness goodness, thankfulness, gentleness, and self control. The Holy Spirit is the act of a guide,teacher, and a comforter. Acts 1:8 says we will receive power to spread the word and be witnesses when the Holy SpirIt comes on to us. Also Acts 2: 1-4 tells of the Holy Spirit enabling the disciples to speak in different languages to be able to spread the word to more people.  To walk in the Holy Spirit is to rely on the holy spirit to guide, speak through and to you.  In order for the Holy Spirit to do these things we have the responsibility to follow.

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Probability Used in Real Life



– (Impossible, likely, as likely as not, unlikely, certain)

In a board game what is the probability of me rolling the dice over 3?

1  2  3             =           4  5  6  

There is three numbers under 3 and three numbers greater then three, so it is as likely as not. That means that rolling a number over three, is a 50 50 chance.


I can use probability in board games, card games, in any place that I have to choose something. If I’m randomly reaching for fruit out of bowl of 5 fruits that are all different kinds I can use probability to say, How likely is it that I choose a banana out of the bowl. It is not very likely. I can use probability with anything that has to do with choosing or randomly picking things.


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Bowling with the 8th grade


Yesterday November 11, 2014 my 8th grade class went bowling. We had a fun time trying to come up with new, maybe a little dangerous ways to bowl.We were pretty successful with accomplishing that. Almost the whole grade came to our lane and we all made a tunnel, the bowler had to bowl through the tunnel with out hitting anybody. We also did a backbend bowl, which is where you had to bowl through people back-bending. My team did not win bowling but, we did get french fries which is always a win.Processed with Rookie

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