God at Work

In Bible we have been talking a lot about Paul and his journey to spread the gospel to other people. We have talked about how God planted many things in Paul’s life to equip him for ministry, even before Paul believed in him. One thing God gave Paul was a very smart mind. He had been trained in many ways. One way was that he had been trained as a Pharisee and had knowledge of the Torah and scripture. He also could speak many different languages, which came in useful when he traveled around spreading the word to other places. He also was a skilled tentmaker, which was helpful as he moved around a lot. These things all helped him on his journey. Paul also had Roman and Jewish citizenship. Since the Romans were in control at that time, this meant he had a certain power that non-Roman citizens did not. All of these things proved that God had been at work in Paul even while Paul was persecuting other people for their faith.

God has also been at work in my life, in ways that I may not fully understand yet. I know that I have experienced the Holy Spirit moving in my life in different ways. One way God has been working in me lately is just building my trust in him. I know that if I have more confidence, God can work through me better, and lately he has been building that confidence and trust in me. I am a person who gets easily anxious about things. Lately, through my experiences, God has been showing me that he’s there and I can depend on him for anything I need. When I have God’s peace, he can work through me easier. I have also noticed he has been calling me to love everybody, no matter who they are. Even though I have been challenged with that sometimes, he has been equipping me for something bigger.

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