I have a very different skill set than most of the people in the 8th grade. No sports. I run, but nothing else. If you look at where I live, you would be able to tell what I’m like. I love to keep things organized. I love to design, see things coming together, being built. I don’t know how God will use me, but I know that He will. I can play the piano, and draw. Don’t know if, when, or how those could come in, but they might, in a big way, or a small way. All I know is, is that I have these talents, will continue to develop them, and use them to His glory. Through experiences, God has molded me, and will continue to. We have a little 6 year old girl in our home right now. Foster care. But it might not always be just Foster Care. She came up from Central America. She’s been through a few families, no ones been able to keep her so far. Having a 7 year old is hard, especially for the kids already in the family! Mom and Dad are busy now, and we cannot do or say the things we used to. We cannot take a long bike ride because… it doesn’t work. It’s expecting too much, and I am, unfortunately, fairly impatient. I’ll need to develop that one too. 🙂 I don’t know if I’m going to adopt or something later, or anything. But somethings going to come of all the experiences, all the little moments. Otherwise… why would I be there to witness them?

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