Water Erosion

My partner Sophie and I we assigned this assignment about water erosion.We have made models of two identical valleys. The first shows a relatively new river, that is flowing through a green valley. The river is very small and shallow. In the second model it shows the same river but a long time later. The river has eroded the banks so the river a quite a bit wider, and the water has also made the river deeper. In our presentations we had to show a before and after on how it changed. The model on the right shows the erosion before it happened. And the model on the left shows it after an erosion.  In the model on the left it shows it forming a delta. Also after that erosion there was a beach formed. There is a horse shoe shaped lake in the left model and that is called an oxbow lake. An oxbow lake is a meander cut off from a river by deposition of sediment

Photo on 5-14-15 at 2.01 PM



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Spaghetti Egg Tower

This is my groups spaghetti tower. As you see it didn’t turn out very well. Our diagram was a little different than what out actual tower turned out to look liker. Our tower was supposed to me 40 cm tall but collapsed on the last day so now it is only 22 cm. Our spaghetti tower is made up of spaghetti sticks and marshmallows. Now we are going to put our tower on a “earthquake” with an egg sitting on the top to see if our tower will pass the test. The “earthquake” machine is made out of wood and rubber bands.

Photo on 12-15-14 at 12.42 PM #2

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Math Problems–Ratios, Rates, and Unit Rates

The past couple of weeks I learned how to solve equation problems using ratios, rates, and unit rates.

Question- (Try to solve with out looking at the answer.)

While Elise is running, she runs 150 in two minutes. What is her average speed per minute?

Answer- (Did you get it right?)
How to solve…

150 divided by 2 = 75 steps per minute. Elise can run 75 steps per minutes!

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