Newtons Laws of Motion

   Newton’s law of Motion

Law #1 Inertia Newton’s first  law is about motion.

An object at rest will remain at rest unless acted on by an unbalanced force. An object in motion continues in motion with the same speed  and in the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force .


Law #2

Newtons second law is about acceleration is produced when a force acts on a mass The greater the mass (of the object being accelerated)  Amount of force needed (to accelerate the object ).

  • The experiment we did was we had a partner and we tried to push each other  and there was a lot of force pushing on each person. (explain the person in the chair and how it proves law #2.)

Law #3

Newtons third law was for every action there is an equal and opposite reac=action

for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

  • The experiment we did was there was a string tied from one end of the room from the other and there was a straw through the string and then we took some tape and we had a balloon but we did not tie it  then we took the tape and put it on the balloon and let it go and it made it to the middle of the room and that is not that far.

How does what you learned apply to a pinball machine?

   The pinball will remain where it is until something like a launcher that will move it and it will roll until something in it’s way will stop it .   🙂

Marbles on Ramp

Marbles on a Ramp

trail 1

trail 2


trail 4

trail 5


Class average

marble 1








marble 2








marble 3









by Grant Boetsma

This is a marble on a ramp.

What did you learn from the experiment?

I learned that the marble with the most mass travels the fastest of the three marbles. The smallest marble went the slowest. The middle marble went about the same as the small marble. The ramp was made from two meter sticks taped together. The ramp was two binders high for each of the marbles. I sent each marble down the ramp 5 times. I took the average of the 5 times and put it at the end of my table of information.


How does what you learn apply with the pinball machine?

I learned the experiment can help me make the pinball machine work. Just like the ramp was on an angle so will my pinball machine be on an angle. Gravity is the force that will bring the ball down to my flippers, which are at the bottom of the pinball machine.


An example of this experiment that I have experienced happens when I snowboard. The bigger the hall the more speed the smaller the hall the slower you go.