Culture post #5

En el salvador estar mucho hospitales. Muchas personas recibe inyecciones. En el salvador muchas personas necesito pongo bloqueador de sol. Porque muchas personas quemar en el sol. Mas personas usan bloqueador de sol en los brazos.

En el Salvador esta una hippo. La hippo es muerto. Muchos personas esta enojado porque el hippo es muy bien. Yo estoy triste porque es una animal. La animal es muerto.

Quien? Hippo…

Que? Una hippo es muerto.

Cuando? Lunes, 27 febrero, 2017

Donde? En El Salvador.

Como? La hippo recibe agresión.

Por que? Yo no sé.

God at work

God has amazing powers. He blessed Paul and converted him into a christian. First he started out persecuting Christians. God set Paul up with great experiences that can help him spread the word and embrace the kingdom. God has blessed me with a ton of experiences and gifts. But different kinds of gifts. He has given me and blessed me with a loving family and great friends. But one gift that I received about my personality is that I am good with people. I can talk to anyone about anything and that can help me spread the word about God. I also am not afraid to talk to strangers. God also blessed me with an experience that can never be taken away from me. A trip to the Philippines. It was the best time of my life and it was very very meaning full. That prepared me by allowing me to see the poverty and pain in the world.

Taal Volcano

This is our model of Taal volcano. It is a Volcano in the Philippines. In our group is Allie, Sam, Josie, and me. Everyone in our group except for Sam has climbed Taal Volcano. We are going to have a little lake in the volcano. It is made out of paper and paint and a small plastic container.

Bible Persecution project

Gabe Nelesen

Mrs. Roskamp

LA, 8A

9 March, 2017


Do you know what is going on in this world? Do you know how Christians are being persecuted? This world is full of Christians. 2.2 billion Christians according to google. Of that amount of Christians,  2,864 are being persecuted. Christians have been persecuted in the past and still are being persecuted in countries today such as, Afghanistan, however there are things we can do to help these Christians.

In the early church there was tons of persecution directed towards Christians. Most of the Christians in countries ruled by Rome were persecuted major. No one knows how many Christians in total have been persecuted but it is a ton.  The ways in which they were persecuted was terrible. Many Christians were beaten, killed and burned alive. It is all because of some of the emperors in the old days. There were a handful of emperors who went out of their way and persecuted Christians. Nero, was one of the worst emperors to Christians,  Horrible things happened when he came to power. He blamed Christians for a fire that he started and killed Christians. He burned them at the stake and lit them up as torches for parties. He tied them to stakes and drove chariots over them. He did all of this and came to power only when he was 16 years old. Most of the emperors did this because they wanted to be worshipped not other gods/ God. Also they used Christians as a place to put anything that happens to them. If one of the emperors were to do something wrong, they could just throw the blame on Christians, like what happened with Nero and the fire. Jealousy plays a huge part in Christians persecution for one the emperors and also other religions. Religious leaders of other religion may see Christians as a threat to their own religion. Other then Nero there were at least nine other emperors who persecuted Christians.

In Afghanistan there is tons of Christian persecution. Most of the time when we think of Persecution we think of the old Bible times when the emperors would persecute them but In my research I uncovered many stories of people have been targeted and killed or kidnapped or had other horrible things happen to them, all of this happening within the past couple of years if not past couple of months. In certain parts of Afghanistan there are different rules. Some places it is illegal to be anything other than Muslim. In places where you can express your faith freely it is still not smart. Government officials, friends or even family could mistreat Christians. To have a Christian in the family in Afghanistan is a shame. Sometimes people whose faith has been discovered get beaten and banished from their own homes. Many people in Afghanistan do not accept that there are people who worship any other gods or God. These kinds of people take it into their own hands to murder or beat Christians. It is also hard if you are a well known Christian because you still need to survive. Getting a job would be a lot harder and also getting help can be a lot harder. In some stories I read, whole families are destroyed because of persecution. Groups also work together to take out Christians like the Taliban or Isis. Like this story about a taliban attack, while three out of the four members of a family were at their house a group of Taliban attacked and killed three of the family.The attack lasted over four hours. The father, son and daughter were all killed. The daughter was only 15 years old.The son was only 17 years old. Three taliban, a suicide bomber and two people with guns were the attackers. After the three family members were dead they took other Afghan hostages.


Today there is a ton of help towards Christian persecution. Many websites online, help educate others and use donations to help. Open doors is a nonprofit group that works to help out Christians who are being persecuted in different countries. Also there is a website called voice of the martyrs. It is sort of the same as open doors, just trying to get the word out and help and receive donations to help.


Christians have been persecuted in the past and still are being persecuted in countries today such as, Afghanistan, however there are things we can do to help these Christians.  I have been praying and giving my time to educate people about the persecution in this world.



Gabe Nelesen

Mrs. Roskamp

LA, 8A

17 Feb 2017


It was a dark night in Hartman’s creek, WI. and all the campers were out by the campfires. The wind was blowing the crunchy leaves all over the hard packed dirt. A scream pierced the quiet night. All the campers got up grabbed flashlights and went out to the sight of the scream. There was a women backed up against a tree with blood on her forehead. All the campers rushed over and helped her out. One of the campers ran to his car and went to a place that had cell reception to call the police. The woman’s face was covered in blood and all the people were clueless on how it got there.


There was a small pool of blood about five feet away from the tree where she was at. Knowing that the blood on the woman’s face was not hers, the campers got to searching. There was no source of blood present. The campers decided to wait for the police to arrive before doing anything else. The police crew and ambulance crew showed up, the women who was covered in blood was rushed to the hospital, she was in shock and having seizures. The police chief, Ron Klumpen, was there at the scene and investigating.

A man rushed over from the woods and ran at Klumpen. He was asking all sorts of questions. “Is there a body? Are there any witnesses?” Klumpen got up and turned to the man, pulled out a pen and paper and asked, “what is your name?” The man replied, “My name? my name doesn’t matter, right now questions!”

Klumpen, “No give me a name”

Man, “My name is Herold West”

Klumpen, “Where were you when the scream occurred?”

West, “i was sitting around a campfire at site A5 when the scream rang out.” Another scream happened as the body was discovered.

The lady who screamed pointed into the tall dark trees and there was a small blue light. All of the sudden it shut off. Klumpen shined his flashlight up into the dark trees and there was a small sign of the color blue. Klumpen said, “Looks like a hammock.” Everyone was staring up at the hammock and never noticed Herold slipping out into the darkness. A fire truck came and got the hammock out of the tree and were examining it. (Klumpen, One stab wound to the heart, clean, he must have known the person because there were no signs of struggle. He was identified as a man named Harry West. Harold West has a brother. I got a call on my way to my car saying that the killer was Herold. Harold’s family was very rich and Harry had all the money.

Then I yelled, “Where is he, where is Herold? Find him send all your recourses out.” )  The police, lead by Klumpen showed up at the West house only to find Herold lying on his knees on the floor. He was cuffed and thrown into the police car, No money to be found. Soon they found a recipe for a hammock and a 15 foot ladder in a trash can. There was a bloody knife found inside one of his mattresses in his house. Klumpen, the man who solved the case grew very famous and rich, for he solved this case with just his mind. Harold was convicted of murder and sentenced to life in prison. Fifteen years later a man dug up this old case from the boxes and reviewed it. Pointing out one clue leading to the real killer. It was not Herold, it was Klumpen. The man went to the police pointing out that Klumpen had gotten very rich right after the case was “solved” and also that he claimed to have gotten a call saying that Herold was a murderer, even though he was in a place with no cell reception.

Blog post #4

Futbol es la deporte mucho popular en el salvador.

En el Salvador una deporte es Deporte de Aquas.

En el salvador una deporte es esgrima.

En el salvador una deporte es Cricket.

Mi deporte favorito en el salvador es futbol. Yo usando una pelota. Yo usando una guantes en cricket. Yo usando una casco.

Math Lamp


             We came up with the idea of a designer making lamps because Gabe’s dad is working on remodeling their bedroom. His dad has been looking online for a whole bunch of different types of lamps. The reason they are trying to figure out the hypotenuse is because they don’t have a way to measure the diagonal but they already know how long each side is. They are trying to figure out where they will fit in the bedroom.


El Salvador

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En la cuarto esta una cama. La casa es muy pequeño. En la casa esta una silla y un sofá. En la casa esta una mesa. En la cuarto esta un morado cobija. EN la cuarto esta un cama. La cama esta izquierda de la cuarto. La mesa esta derecha de la cama. La casa es pequeño. La cobija es morado. La camisa es rosa.



God Sightings

This weekend I saw God through the leaves. There where as many leaves on the ground you couldn’t even count them. And then I looked upwards and saw that there were still hundreds on the trees. Its hard to believe that each and every leaf is different, because there are so many. During Sunday school I looked out the window and there were leafs constantly falling out of the trees and there were still tons and tons of leafs on the trees.



Our chain is made mainly from pipe cleaners. In the center the pipe cleaners are surrounded in paper. On the holding edges of our chain we have twine. The twine is strong and can support a lot of weight. The pipe cleaners are very very strong. They will not break if we put tons of pressure.

Names Of Jesus

This week in Bible we have been studying names of Jesus. The name, Everlasting God comes from the fact that God, is everlasting. Its hard for us to wrap our minds around the fact of something or someone being everlasting. But God is. He was always here and always will be. He is here to walk alongside us through our highs and our lows.  His love is also everlasting. As long as God exists (which is forever) he will always love us.

El salvador

El salvador y Guatemala y hundores y Nicaragua todo en South America.

La oceano pacifico es cerca de el salvador.

La salvador es en South America. La bandera de el Salvador es Azul y Blanca.

La capital de salvador es San Salvador.






H20 Bing Bong

Our boat is a styrofoam box boat. It has a cup as a “sale” and it has a tin foil bottom to glide across the water. Some mistakes we made was that when it was a very fast boat we tried to make it better and it fell apart. Also we made the mistake of putting on to much hot glue and that caused a problem when we were taking it apart. Our average time was around 7 seconds. overall our boat was decent and has only a couple mistakes.












This summer I did lots of things. I went frisbee golfing and found tons of frisbees. I also hung out with friends. I also went camping over the summer with my cousins and went swimming and fishing. I also played basketball at an open gym. Me and cousins also went to Wisconsin and went frisbee golfing and swam in the ice cold water. I also got a job at my neighbors cutting, skinning, and selling cat tails. I went swimming at pools and flew drones. I went tubing and tried to ski. I tried to wakeboard.

African Union

One of the challenges we encountered was having everybody snap at each other. It turned into more of a “How can I make the other group look bad” instead of “how can we solve this problem.” One thing I really enjoyed was having a real way of debating instead of just reading about it we actually got to participate in the actual thing happening.

7th grade fqs ofBoat trip 2016

  1. I learned that lamprey can grow really big and they can latch on to fish and kill them.
  2. I also learned that there are tons and tons of tiny organisms in the water that is in every single body of water.
  3. that at  the bottom of spring lake can be full of blood worms.


I wondered what amount of organisms that we take in while we are swimming.

I also wondered how many of those creatures in a single pond or lake.

Hunting the elements

One thing that i thought was really cool was that the periodic table actually had the elements in it.

One thing I learned was that over half of the table was made from metals.

One thing I didn’t know was that some of the elements were man made.

Minkus Bible exam


  1. Conflict and doubt 
  2. IMG_0276


This is a representation for conflict and doubt. Everyone doubts and everyone struggled with what God and Jesus were saying to us. I choose this visual because last year and a year or two before that i really had some struggles in my life. Who is God to me? Who is God? Does God care about me? Does God exist? after all these questions going through my mind i felt like I was going to explode. But this symbol helps me understand that conflict and doubt is normal. What do you think of when you hear the name Mother Teresa. I don’t know about you but i thought of a person who is trusting God with everything and not having any doubts or questions. But really Mother Teresa Doubted God. She questioned God and Doubted him.

  1. A savior


I chose this image because i went through some major suffering and a way to ease my pain was the circus. When I was about seven my mom had an aortic aneurysm. Our whole family thought we would never see my mom again but we did and she survived. This helps me connect with “The Savior” because Jesus suffered and went through great pain for me. I “suffered” when my mom had the aortic aneurysm. I know that what Jesus went through was much harder than what I went through but it still helps me connect. I’ve always wondered what was going through Jesus’ mind while he was on the cross. I don’t think I would be able to go through what he did. sometimes I forget about the fact that Jesus died for me. And now I know for sure that Jesus’ love for us is unconditional.

  1. Covenant


I chose this image because this reminds that no matter what we do God will always love me. I used to think that if I would do bad things God would not love me anymore. But now I know that no matter what I do God will love me. In the bible there are many covenants. Some of the covenants are unconditional and some of them were conditional. In the Bible God made many covenants with his people. One of his covenants was conditional which meant that he would not keep his end of the promise if the other party didn’t. The Israelites disobeyed his conditions and he would not protect the Israelites. But he made a new covenant that no madder what we do God will still love us.


  1. Sent to the promised land
  2. imgres-2

I chose the image of a cane because blind people really need to trust a cane. In the Bible people the Israelites would put all their trust in God to lead them in the right direction. In life we often have to trust God. Especially with the decisions we make. In my life God is like a roadmap, I can look to him if i am about to make a decision. He is my guide through life. He leads me beside still waters “Good times in life” even when I walk in the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil “tuff times in life”

  1. slide to destruction


This picture is a picture of The people in the band Twenty One Pilots. The reason i chose this picture is because a lot of their songs are about them dreading something that is either coming or has already past. In the Bible the Israelites had some kings. Some of their kings were good kings that did right in the eyes of the Lord. But most of these kings were bad and brought the Israelites down the slide towards destruction. When i was going through some hard times I felt like i was on the slide to destruction. I would listen to twenty one pilots and I would feel better. Now I am happy that i am the way i am today.


  1. something is rotten


The reason I chose this symbol is because sometimes i just don’t want to think about God at all. In the Bible people often turned their backs on God and said no to him. They followed other gods. In life I had some instances where I wanted not to think about God at all. But I read the Bible and that made me feel better. I wonder how it was like for the Israelites with having no whole Bible to turn to. I guess it would be hard but at the same time they had a prophet and people who taught them about God.


  1. Names

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I chose this picture because this is a picture of the meaning of my name. In the Bible I think names were more important than nowadays. In the old days people would use names not only to have a title for someone but to figure out who they are. Not only would i be known as Gabriel i would be known as a faithful God follower. In the Bible there is an angel that was named Gabriel. I am glad to be named after an angel.


  1. Slavery/ salvation


I chose this image because the Bible was my Moses from slavery to salvation. In the Bible the Israelites were enslaved in Egypt. Moses came and rescued them. The journey was long but they made it alive. For me the journey to the way I am was long and hard but I made it. For me the Bible was like Moses, I used it when I was going through tough times. Sometimes I got frustrated. Now I am happy to be the person I am.