January 2016

Huída hacía la libertad – La vida de Harriet Tubman

I have been reading a biography called Huída hacía la libertad – La vida de Harriet Tubman.  the book is about Harriet Tubman’s life as a slave. It tells about how Harriet was born a slave and grew up with a lot of other slave children in a little cabin with a old lady that is a slave caring for all the slave children. Harriet grew up without her parents. When she was 6 she moved out of her little cabin and went to the big house of her masters. There she was put to work as a house made. She was then sold to another rich white cupel. They were curl to her. They made Harriet stay up with the baby at night and during the day they made her clean there house. harriet did not no how to clean the house so she go wiped a lot. Finally there

I am exited to go to HAWAII

This year for Christmas are we got a trip to Hawaii. I am so exited to go. We leave january 22 and come back january 30. We are going to the island of Kawaii. I think we will swim. To get there their are 3 plane rides to go on. GR to Chicago, Chicago to Phenix, Phenix to Kawaii. In total we will be on airplanes for 13 hours.  I think it will be fun.