The connections

In my book the connections that I have are that there this girl that is going to florida over her summer vacation and the connection I have I that we went to florida over the summer as well. In the book the main character’s Name is sunny witch is short for summer, And I have a friend who’s name is summer as well.

My Book

The book that I’m reading is called stargirl, and it is about This actress and It’s her first time at school because she’s has ben home schooled. On the first day of school the Girl that’s telling the story, her friend comes up to her and says “have you seen her” and then she says “seen who” But he doesn’t tell her.

My holiday

How would you fill your vacation time if you did not any screens?

I think if I had a vacation without any screens, I would fill m vacation with the snow. I would go and play outside with my Friends. If you don’t like going outside then you could stay inside and do a craft, but If you do like going outside then you can play outside with your friends or just play out there  alone. If your outside along you could  build a snow man or go and build a snow fort. Weather or not you like outside or not, you can still go without screens your whole vacation.