Archive for November, 2014


I learned how to find the square root of a number and then use that to find how long an object is. Here is an example problem: A square court for playing four square has an area of 256 ft to the power of 2. How long is one side of the court? To find […]

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Bowling Reflection

On tuesday November 11, 2014, we went bowling as an 8th grade. It was so much fun we did crazy bowling and normal bowling. We bowled under people that were doing a bridge. We were not allowed to have the bumpers so I did not do very well with my score. It was a fun […]

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My Thoughts about Jesus’ Crucifixion

We have been talking about Jesus’s last seven words and his crucifixion. My favorite is the one that says, ” Trust in the Sovereign God”. I like this because as he was dying for us, he told us to trust in God. He also had to trust God that dying on the cross was the […]

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A plane can go, 4.5 times 10 to the power of  4, Kilometers. The farthest a plane can go is 6.8 times 10 to the power of 6, Kilometers. Find the approximate distance this plain can go in scientific notation.  to find the answer to this you would need to do 4.5 times 6.8 and […]

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