Themes of the Old Testament


Names were important in the bible. God gave and changed people’s names based on if the meaning was fitting. For example, Yahweh means relationship God, and Elohim means creator God. These names both fit God. My name means favor or grace. Sometimes this fits, when I’m kind, but often times it doesn’t’. A person’s name showed their personality, or maybe what their heart was like. For my visual, I chose a picture of my dog, Sierra. It was hard to pick a name for her because we didn’t know what she was like. What I learned from this theme is that you can use names in the bible to know more about a person, and that names mean something.

Sinai Law-

The 10 commandments were basically a covenant with God. God said that he would be their God, but if they wanted to be his people, they needed to obey his law. God didn’t give laws to hurt us, but to protect us. Laws cover everything we do, from driving laws, to laws about how we should follow God. People worship the wrong things, and modern day examples are money, popularity, sports, friends, school or technology. We have to be careful to follow God’s laws. For my visual, I chose a life jacket. They can be a huge pain, but they keep us safe and out of danger. I learned that laws are important because they give us guidelines on how we should live our lives.

Salute to A King-

Israel had a pattern they went through: first, they would sin. Then they would be punished by their enemies, then they would cry to God for help, then God would send a judge to help them live better. The people wanted a king. They wanted a Melek king, which meant they wanted a strong king who led them in battle, and was very powerful. God wanted a Nagid king, which meant that the king was a man after God’s heart, and he worshiped God in everything he did. For my visual, I chose a picture of a phone

. I chose this because tech is appealing to me, and everyone, and it’s a symbol of what the world tells us to do. I learned that we need to be sure that we are looking to God and his word, and not at the culture around us.


A covenant is just like a deal or a promise. God gave us a cultural mandate, which means we need to take care of his creation. God said, if you obey I will bless you and if you disobey the will be a consequence. There were two kinds of covenants: conditional, which meant that if you do something, then God will do something. Unconditional meant that God keeps his promise no matter what. For my visual I chose people shaking hands. I chose this because shaking hands reminds me of a promise, and it symbolizes that you are going to keep that promise. I learned that God keeps his promises and that we should too.

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