January 28

13 Gifts-Connections

13 Gifts is about a 12 year old girl named Tara who broke into her school late at night. She got suspended for 2 weeks so her parents sent her to a little town called Willow Falls. She was going to spend the summer with her 11 year old cousin Emily. Before she leaves her parents give her and ipod and $200 for the summer. But on the train her ipod and money is stolen. She was so scared that her parents were going to be so mad at her. Her uncle Roger collects stuff so she stole one of his comic books. She found this lady and asked her if she could sell it to her for $200 but the lady said no. Tara finds out that the lady’s name is Angelina. Angelina said that she would give Tara $200 if she found some strange stuff that Angelina had made for her. Tara has until July 13 -Tara’s birthday-to find 13 strange gifts with the help of her cousin and new friends. Tara reminds me of my little sister Rachel because she is always calm and ready for anything to happen. Rachel is always waiting for things to happen and she is always ready.

January 21

My Favorite book

I just finished reading Diary of a Wimpy Kid #5 The Ugly Truth. It’s about a kid named Greg and his mom decided to go back to school so his dad was in charge of him,his older brother Rodrick, and his little brother Manny. One day his mom announces that they will be getting a maid to come over in the afternoon to clean their house. So the night before the maid comes the clean the house really good for her. But their maid just sits on the couch and watches TV all day. I visualized when Greg goes to his school at nigh because it is a lock in. He finds out how boring it is but when he tries to leave one of the parents locked the door before he could leave. I like this kind of book. My favorite kind of book is fantasy.

January 14

Snow day?????

We had our first snow day on Tuesday. I woke up and I knew that it was a snow day. I knew it was a snow day because my older sister is in 6th grade and she has to wake up a 6:00 every morning and she was still in our room at 7:00 so I knew that it was a snow day. I shoveled my driveway with my siblings and then my mom made us hot chocolate. I was kind of sad that we had a snow day because every Tuesday the clarinets get together to practice our songs. And every Friday the whole band comes together to play songs.

January 7

How did I fill my vacation time without electronics???:)

Lots of people spend their vacation time with electronics. I am sometimes one of those people. This christmas break I spent some time on my kindle but most of the time was off of electronics. What I did when I was bored and I wasn’t aloud to go on my kindle I would write in my notebook that my sister gave me. I was using my notebook to right everything that I knew about sharks in it because sharks are my favorite animal.