October 18

Native American movie/field trip

Yesterday we had the chance to go to a native american place and watch a movie about native americans. It was a documentary and it explained about the Dakota Access Pipeline. We also looked at an art gallery and there was lots of cool art. There was this one piece of art and it was called the infinity cube. It was a 3d square that was hollow. It was an interesting field trip.

October 5

Living on one dollar-Minkus

When we watched the movie ‘Living on one dollar’ I felt so sad. It was a movie about these four college guys who went to a poor city in Guatemala and lived on one dollar a day. I also felt kind of guilty. I felt guilty because at our houses you can just go in the fridge and get a nice, cool, clean glass of water, but in Guatemala you can’t. And, we always know that we’re going to get a paycheck every month, or whatever, but they didn’t. I used to think that the people living in poverty didn’t have so much, but after watching the movie I realized that they can get a loan, or something like that. I didn’t even think of sicknesses until I watched that movie. If you can’t pay for the medicine, then that could be really bad. I also didn’t think about education. I didn’t realize that some kids have to stop going to school because they can’t pay for the education. This makes me so sad. I hope to do something to help people with this.