Living on a Dollar Movie – Reflection

Today we watched a movie called “Living on a Dollar”. It is about these 4 college students who go to Guatemala for 2 months and live on $1 a day.


Sometimes we complain about stuff that people like in Guatemala would really like.

We complain, “We have to school.” ——> Guatemalans would say “I would LOVE to go to school.”

We complain, “I don’t like what I am wearing” ——> Guatemalans would say “I don’t care what I wear, unless if it covers my body.”

We also complain, “I don’t like what I have, I want what someone else has” ——-> Guatemalans would say, “I love what I have and make whats best out of them.”


What some of the things we saw is something we can’t even imagine. They have to work in the fields instead of going to school or play soccer. The kids actually have to work for what they have, rather then our parents working, with the exceptions of some other kids. Sometimes the families can’t even pay for some of the important things in their lives or their childrens life, like their wedding or helping with their first baby.