Persecuted church

What i’ve learned about the persecuted church
By Jaden Bender

I’ve learned that we are fortunate to have the decision to go to church today. Seven 8th graders came to our class and talked about Indonesia and Iran. Most of their country is Muslim who worship false gods and only 10% of the people in Indonesia are Christians the other 90% are other religions. Iran has .05% Christians and again the other 95% of the country is other country is different religion.

My Reflection on the Market Day Pitch

My Reflection on the Market Day Pitch
by Jaden B.

List 3 possible highlights on the pitch

I think our skit went really well no one miss or forgot their lines.
We got a deal with Jonathan and Amanda.
I also thought the presentation went well too.

List 3 possible improvements

Group participation we need to include everyone in everything.
We were leaning on the wall i don’t think we were awake.
We need to spend more time figure out the cost.

How would you better prepare if you had to do it again.

I would take more time to practice our lines in the presentation

For the next years 4th graders i would tell them to make their presentation really neat creative and if you put transactions make they’re short like they don’t take long decreased my time to 0.75

The US Navy Needs Aircraft Carriers

The United States navy needs aircraft carriers
By: Jaden Bender

The United States navy needs aircraft carriers. Because it can hold up to 4,000 people including pilots, sailors, medics and soldiers. They can also launch aircraft from the sea without building an airfield. Aircraft carriers are also used for bombing missions.

A United States aircraft carrier can hold 4,000 people to 5,000 people, including air pilots, medics, soldiers and sailors. The air pilots usually are used for bombing missions, the medics are used to heal the sick and hurting soldiers, and the sailors are used to sail the ship Thats a lot of people. The bedrooms are jam packed. Because there are so many people on board the ship. You only have a 7 foot long bed!

Aircraft carriers are also used for bombing missions. For instance the bombing of Pearl Harbor a big part of pearl harbor is the aircraft carriers who brought all 353 jets to Hawaii aircraft carriers. unfortunately it was Japan not the U.S.A. That’s why the U.S. needs aircraft carriers.

The last advantage that aircraft carriers have is: Aircraft carriers can carry planes from place to place without building an airfield. For instance instead of having to go take about 2 or 3 months to build an airfield, an aircraft carrier can just take 2 or 3 months but you won’t have to build an airfield. Or other wise you just be building airfields all around the world.

Now that you have read my essay I hope you know why the U.S. army needs aircraft carriers. The government needs aircraft carriers because… Aircraft carriers are also used for bombing missions, aircraft carriers can carry planes from place to place without building an airfield.