God at Work.

God prepared Paul for a lot of mission work in his lifetime. Paul had dual citizenship to be able to go to more places where God called him to. He gave Paul the ability to make tents, so when he was traveling it was easier to camp out for the night, instead of buying a hotel to stay in.

One gift about me that comes to mind is working with CLC kids. I really love hanging out with them and they bring so much joy to my life. Someday I hope to volunteer at compassionate heart and learn more about them and create new friendships. They are so joyful and everyone can learn new things from them.

Another gift is hanging out with kids. My Grandma went to Africa at beautiful gate and showed me the experiences that she had there. It sounds like something that would like, even though I would have to step out of my comfort zone. I feel God calling me to something like this in the future, an orphanage. I hope that he calls me to explore more of the world in the future because I really want to see more lifestyles of living and how grateful we should be here.

Volcano Project

In science we are learning about volcanos, we were assigned a group and had to research a certain volcano and make a model. We picked Cerro Negro for our demonstration. We made a paper mache volcano that replicated Cerro Negro. We had to research fun facts and info about the volcano we picked. We had to label the parts that we learned about on our model. We aren’t making it actually erupt though, we used paint as lava.


Christian Persecution – Research Paper

Christian Persecution in Pakistan

Pakistan is ranked fourth dangerous Christian persecution in the world. All around the world there is Christian persecution happening, in some countries more than others. Christian persecution is a very horrible act and something needs to be done to stop it, there are things that can be done to stop Christian persecution near and far from us.

There were many different people in the past that thought they could kill people for sometimes no reason at all. Christian persecution has been happening since Jesus’ death. There were many different groups and people that really stood out and made a difference in people’s lives, in a very bad way. Nero, one of the emperors from 54-69 AD, was the main reason of how Christian persecutions started. Someone, innocent at the time, set a whole town on fire destroying many things, including people’s homes, people, and much more damage. Everyone was so mad and they all tried to blame Nero.  Obviously Nero wasn’t going to take the blame, even though everyone knew he did it. Nero was very, very, mad. He send Christians to prison so they couldn’t talk about what he has done. Most of the Christians weren’t blamed for the fire, but they were still hated because they were known as “enemies of the town.” Nero was the cause of the fire and started much discrimination over Christian persecution. Nero started burning Christians alive and hanging them on crosses. This is totally unacceptable and these things are still happening today. After Nero’s horrible act, people in the town started becoming curious about who God was, and why Christians were being killed for their faith. Christians were also often persecuted because they refused to serve and worship the emperor. It was very dangerous



being a Christian with the Roman emperor around, you could get killed for your faith. About 75% of the population in the whole world are in danger for their faith everyday.

Christians have been persecuted in the past, but are also being persecuted today all around the world. Specifically, in Pakistan, persecution has been happening for so long, yet no one has done anything to completely stop it. There has been persecution in Pakistan including murders, bombings, rape, burning, discrimination, and many more horrible things that no one on this earth should have to go through. 95-98% are Islamic and the other 2-5% are Christians or other religions. It makes it super hard for the Christians to believe in their faith freely, since it’s such a dangerous risk of your life. A few short stories might help you imagine it better of how awful Christian persecution really is. A lot of the persecution happens in Lahore since it’s one of the bigger cities. There was a bombing there, in Lahore, in March of 2015. Two churches were bombed on a Sunday when they were filled with worshippers. The bombs killed at least 14 people. After the investigation, it was reported to be a suicide bombing. Many people were in critical condition. This has affected so many people that were involved. Another story of Christian persecution happened on Easter of 2016. It was a huge bombing, once again, and killed at least 70 people. They were of course trying to kill only Christians, but ended up killing mostly muslims. The two people that made this happen, were the same two that bombed the two churches in Lahore, a year earlier.  

There are people around the world that are helping with Christian persecution at this very moment. A lot of people are donating many things to help those in need. They have been donating money, bibles, letters, and more that have really been affecting those in need. Also there


are prayer groups that spend time each week praying and talking about those being persecuted and how they can help. Praying for them and letting them know God is with them no matter the situation, can really be a powerful impact on yourself and others. A lot of people take things for granted, but if you really think about what we have and others don’t, it hurts. No matter the time, money, effort spent into making someone’s day is worth your time.

Christian persecution is a very horrible act and something needs to be done to stop it, there are things that can be done to stop Christian persecution near and far from us. There are ways that I, personally, and you can help with the Christians that are being persecuted for their faith everyday. Praying is the strongest thing, in my opinion, that I can do about it. Praying makes a difference. It can perform miracles. God already knows this is happening but it impacts me as well knowing that praying to him can make a difference and feel closer to God. It makes me feel like God is in control if I talk to him about it a lot. After researching more on Christian persecution, it gives me a different perspective on my life and beliefs. I’m glad that I am aware of what is happening to Christians around the world. I am willing to make a difference, to change the world to a better place, with the help of our strong and mighty God.  


Christian Persecution in Pakistan

We had an exhibit at school that we talked about present/past Christian persecution. We did this to inform others on how bad Christian persecution is and what we can do to help about it.

At our exhibit we had :

  • a slideshow shown below with more information
  • A donation Jar and info about Ron
  • Pray request that others could write
  • Prayer cards with encouraging bible verses
  • A cross that anyone could write prayer request, bible verses, encouraging words for those being persecuted.
  • Bracelets the color of our flag

Pythagorean Theorem

In math class this week we had to make a 3D model that would represent the pythagorean theorem.


^ this is our model ^

Pythagorean Theorem

Word Problem

Martin, Angie, JP, Maria and Camila wanted to made a sailboat sail. They knew the height of the sail was 200 feet high. They also knew the base of the sail was 100 feet wide. They need to figure out what the other side is so they can successfully build a sail. What is the measurement of the hypotenuse?


We learned that you need to keep track of your stuff like our boat that we lost. It would have been a lot easier if we had that boat we would have finished way faster. But we worked together good and we learned from our mistakes and we finished with time to spare. We got this idea of a sailboat because it seemed like a problem that could be happening right now that needed to be solved. Also because people make sailboat sails these days and could be very helpful for them. Once we got this idea we knew it was a perfect problem for this project.



Metaphor Writing

I am a mountain. All mountains are different in many ways, they have special features that make them the way they are. The first way I am like a mountain is by the different sized ridges and indents. These ridges and indents are what makes the mountain hard to climb up, but also makes it really beautiful with so much detail that you can’t always see on the outside. This indents and ridges are like my life because I have a lot of things that I do wrong which builds a hole in my life, but God is still with me through everything. All of the specific details on a mountain relate to me because I have a lot of things inside of me that I keep to myself and no one knows about. People don’t always realize how much hurt is inside of me, but God does and that’s what matters most.

Another way I am like a mountain is the ice on a mountain. The ice makes the mountain hard to climb up. In my life relating to God I go through hard times in my life, everyone does. Often, when people try to climb up a mountain, they slip and fall. When I fall and sin I know God will be there to catch me and forgive me always. Sometimes I don’t know where God is but he will still always be there just like he promised.

Also a way that I am like a mountain is all the snow on the sides and top. The snowflakes are all different shapes, sizes, and have their unique features. I am like a snowflake because I will never be like anyone else, because God made me the way he wanted me. Even though sometimes other people want to be like others because they don’t see how important they really are the way they are. Just like a snowflake, all different created in God’s image. Just like all of us on earth, God created us in his image and we all perfect just the way we are.

Lastly I am like a mountain because there’s a destination to get to the top. I am always looking to God for help and he is my destiny. If I’m not with God, it’s not the end. We are all always looking for what we can do better. Just like looking to the top of a mountain, having an ambition to reach the top, and accomplish a goal. I am always looking for ways to become more like Christ everyday, I wish so bad that I could be a great person that could show God more on earth, but I can’t always do that without God’s help. God is my number one and nothing will ever change that.

God Sightings

In church we are in a topic of 5 ways to improve a relationship/love. The way we talked about this weekend is that you have to listen  to make the people your talking to know that you actually care about them and want to know what’s going on in their life.

Thematic Writing

The Vow

I read the book The Vow. It has a lot of good details and it almost makes you feel like you’re in the story, but also very sad at some parts. Kim and Krickett Carpenter get into a really bad car crash, near death experience.  Krickett was very badly injured, worse than Kim. She was taken of in a helicopter to a hospital, in very critical condition. Her husband was very supportive through everything she had to go through, he was right there by her side. Even though Krickett had a ton of memory loss through her accident, Kim stayed with her through the whole way. After lots of therapy and effort, Krickett started gaining her memory back and being more aware of their surroundings. This was such a blessing to her family and her husband. After all the treatment to gradually get her back to where she was before, she still couldn’t remember that she was married. So Kim decided to ask her to be his wife again so she could remember her special day. They then had kids together and have a happy family now and I think that this accident has only grown her and her husband closer together and closer to Christ. Overall this book reminds me of how to be selfless and never give up.

There are multiple conflicts in this book, some bigger than others. One of the really hard problems in the book was when Krickett was in the hospital and she forgot the last three months of her life, that’s also when she got married to Kim. So she completely forgot about her wedding and that she was married. Kim was trying to convince her that she was married to him. It was a really hard time for him because Krickett didn’t want anything to do with him and the back off but he just wanted her to love him again. And what I learned from this part in the book and more about the theme is that you don’t necessarily have to give up on someone if they give up on you. Also if you don’t give up on something that you want, you can eventually work to get it or get it back, like Kim eventually got Krickett ‘back’.

There was another conflict in the book that was a pretty big deal in their lives. While Krickett was in a different hospital that wasn’t by her or Kim’s house, Kim decided that he would go to visit her, even though she didn’t want him there. This was a big deal because Kim had to take off work and it costed a lot of money. This helps me to learn more that people are more important that money or objects. The fact that he wanted to take the time and money to go see his wife that doesn’t even know him I thought was really really cool.

This book reminds me of how to be selfless and never give up. I really loved this book and it taught me quite a few things. I would totally recommend this book to anyone, even if they don’t like reading. When I was reading this book I never wanted to put it down because it just wanted to keep reading and reading. Also throughout the book I felt like I was in the story almost because it was so good I only focused on the book and nothing around me.

Names of Jesus

In Bible class this week we have been learning about different names of Jesus. I was assigned the name King, which means ruler over all. God was a King on earth and in heaven, on earth he was a King because lots of people looked up to him as a leader. In heaven he is still similar to a King because lots and lots of people ‘look up to him’, and want to be more like him. God will always be their for us and be the center of my life, and I will always look to him for help.

TacoBello :)




Nicole and I partnered up to build a boat for science class. We based the theme off of fire taco bell hot sauce. We wanted the bottom to be floatable so we cut styrofoam and glued tin foil around it so it would be more protected. We built a sail that would be pushed faster with the fan behind it. We had two dowels to make that sail stand up and stay sturdy. So far our boat has done pretty well and it didn’t sink. Our first trial went 9.76 second across, we were first in our class. We added popsicle sticks and a film canister in the back so it was more even. We of course has to decorate with taco bell on the sail so it makes it pop out.

Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico soy de Norte America.


Bandera colores es azul, rojo, y blanco

Oceanos están cerca es Atlantic Oceano, Carribean Sea.

Puerto Rico están cerca de Haiti, Jamaca , La Republica dominicana, y Cuba.

Capital: San Juan



Casas de Puerto Rico es muy bonita. Casas está grande, y otro pequeño. Esta muchos casas diferente colores. Casas en Puerto Rico esta pequena, y pequeno cuartos.



Casa pequeno tiene una sofa, cocina, el bano, y dormitorio. La cocina esta cerca de sofa y dereche de el dormitorio. Casa tiene 3 cuartos, esta muy pequeno!

Image result for layout of house big

Casa esta grande. Esta dos dormitorios. Un sofas es amarillo. El bano es bueno, y color es azul. Cocina es muy, muy grande! Cocina esta cerca de el bano.

Celebraciones en Puerto Rico:

  • Año Nueve


  • Dia de trabajo


  • Navidad


  • Dia de los presidentes
  • Related image


  • Día de Acción de Gracias
  • 3150e1635454a0716b1a1fb2932368ac

Personas en Puerto Rico celebran muchos celebraciones. Chicos y chicas comen mucho comida en las celebraciones. Navidad en Puerto Rico es muchos divertidos. Personas decorando muchos en tu casas. Por la Ano nuevo, personas mucho enorme celebran.

Deportes en Puerto Rico..

  • Futbol

  • Boxeo

  • Beisbol

  • Baloncesto

En Puerto Rico chicos y chicas juego muchos diferentes deportes. Personas divertido balencesto, beisbol, boxeo, y futbol. Chicos y chicas esta mucho bueno a la deportes.

Hospitales en Puerto Rico :

Hospitals en Puerto Rico esta bueno. Nosotros usa la medicina. Hospitales representar muchos diferentes cirugía. Hospitals muchos differentes inyecciones. 

Image result for hospitals in puerto rico

Noticias de país…

Quien?  26 chicos.

Que? Distribuido cocanía en la aeropuerto

Cuando? 11 de Abril, 2017

Donde? En la Aeropuerto

Como? En el bano

Porque? Por dinero



This summer I hung out with my family and friends. My family and I went on our boat a lot and we also went to Chicago on it. I hung out with a lot of friends and had a lot of fun. Nicole and I ate guacamole chips and hot sauce. Also Alliya and I went to the beach with some more friends. Jordyn and I went to taco bell, because taco bell is good. Some friends and I had volleyball, soccer, and basketball camp.

Boat Trip

When we were on the boat I learned that the bottom of Lake Muskegon and the bottom Lake Michigan were really different because there were a ton of bugs and junk in the bottom of Muskegon and in Michigan there was really nothing and it was clean. Another thing I learned how to find the conductivity of water by putting a stick thing is different water samples.


The movie that we watched today, Invitus. Nelson Mandela was in jail for 30 years and when he got out he became president in South Africa. He was against division between skin color and wanted to change that so they could be together with no division.

Hunting the Elements

A few things I learned from the video was there was 65% oxygen in our body because I thought that there was like 80% water. Another thing that I learned was that the scientist have created 26 new elements to the periodic table. Another thing I learned was the oxygen in experiments makes up 21% of our atmosphere.
I thought the coolest part of this video was the experiment with the sharks and how they react to different metals.

Martin Luther King, Jr.

How has his dream come true in your mind?
That black and white people have the same rights today, that they can both go to the same school be on the same bus, the same church, they can do stuff together now. Before they couldn’t do any of that and now his dream has come true that they have equal rights.

How hasn’t his dream come true?
Sometimes today people don’t treat people different than them the same way they should be treated, but they have gotten a lot better. In the news the people always are concerned if the people involved are black or white and then they loose the point of the whole situation. Another thing is sometimes when difference races see each other and they looked different than you, the first thing you do is judge them by what they look like or what color their skin is.