
What verse(s) stood out to you? Why?  Verse 1 stuck out to me because God listens to are prayers always and he never forgets us

What image do you see when you think of that verse?  People praying and worshiping God becausehe is very good to us.

What “artistic position” would you draw for this Psalm? People praying to God.

What could you connect from your life with that Psalm? Praying to God when we are sad or are in need of wisdom or something like that.

How does this Psalm talk about listening to God? If you listen for or listen to God and you belive you will go to heaven.


If I have trouble with online learning I ask someone. When I am stuck I either call my friends or ask my parentrs for help it depends. Then they teach me how to do it.  Online school can be very hard sometimes or a lot it can be hard. But with help from friends or parents it gets easier because they help you.

When I am not doing online school I do a lot of different things. I play outside a lot I play basketball or sometimes I practice baseball. I play my xbox a lot with my friends thats one of the only ways I can tak to them so I do that a lot. I watch a lot of tv shows. So that is what I do over this coronavirus time.

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