February 22


Teens Are Not Lazy – School And Homework Don’t Leave Much Time For Proper Rest – Give Them A Break.

Is It Scientifically Possible To Change Your Internal Clock?

Sleep Is Physically Linked To Mental Health.

More Sleep = More Creativity

February 19

11th Plague (A book I wrote for Language Arts)

The Things He Didn’t Know:

The 11th Plague

By; Jacob_Hoekwater_




He wished it could have been like all other mysteries. The ones you read of in books and online. The ones where nobody dies, and everything returns itself to its previous place afterwards. The mysteries where all the wounds heal, the bad guys go to jail, and property is replaced. But that’s not how mysteries actually work. If only it could have been like the others mysteries. Like the one last year where they’d won a fortune and the class of 2015 had reunited. It least there had been a good ending. But there had been no good ending here, because in real mysteries, people get hurt. Permanent damage is done.

The Story:




Rain. The source of life. Making our food flourish. Quenching our thirst. Giving us life. Or so we thought. It had been a year since gaining the wealth of a hidden trillionaire, and his friends had scattered to their niches in the world, North and Central America, and jail. But he had other friends, to the east. In a land beyond a man’s wildest dreams, a land of red, black, and green, lots of green. But the green had gone grey, and the red to black, and the black to sickness, and some to death. And that’s where it all begins. The Guardian, The New York Times, CNN, The USA Today. It was all over Reddit, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, but nobody would’ve guessed the truth. Rain, had killed them all.




Hoekwater was up against the sun, in a race against time. Chasing daylight one jumbo jet at a time. Grand Rapids, to DC, to Addis Ababa, To Blantyre, To Lilongwe, all in 39 hours. He had slept in the airport locked to his luggage. Every pocket locked with a different four character combination, the codes to all of the sewn upside down and backwards in his pants pocket. He had eaten nothing but airplane food for the last two days. Nothing had been crazy, or unusual for him. Only two delayed flight, but only for an hour or so. Sure he had gotten a few looks from airport security officers, sleeping locked to his luggage and all. Okay, something a bit odd did happen in DC, but he thought not much of it. While walking to his terminal in DC he had seen someone running full speed in the opposite direction clutching a little red backpack. He had started to open his mouth, but the look he had gotten from the man had told him to shut up, so he did. Probably not much anyways.

His uncles green jeep type thing was at the airport waiting for him. The snug interior brought back fond memories of long drives, hikes, safaris, and chowing down on bread and bananas. They drove down the same red dirt streets they had driven down years ago. Past ABC College, round the bend, and into the neighborhood, type, of, thing. Life there certainly wasn’t luxury, but it sure wasn’t grass huts, and yes people, there was internet, it may have sucked, and only been on for an hour or so in the morning, but it worked. He said hello to his aunt, cousins, an old friend, the conversation in the car with his uncle had been great, but it was time to rest. The 200 grams of sugar and caffeine had worn off.




He wished it could have been clear. Clear like summer sky, clear like glass, clear like water. But everything has been so muddy. So unclear. But things had gotten messy, so, so messy, and so, so dirty.




“Dude, it’s snowing!” Jack exclaimed, plunging Jacob back into the land of the living. Now fully conscious, Jacob smiled, he had missed Jack. Of course, it wasn’t snowing. But it had gotten him to wake up. Jack just knew him too well. Jacob stumbled out to a breakfast of cheerios that got instantly soggy, and were more like Unhappios. His aunt and uncle were at work, his cousins at their own houses with their own families, but that was okay, his arrangements had been last minute. Besides, he and Jack had some work to do. Jack, alike Jacob, was a detective. He worked under the government of South Africa, but he lived in Malawi, “I could never leave it.”, he’d said. He had been assigned this case two days earlier, and called Jacob in an instant. Jack was by no means stupid, in fact, he was highly intelligent, but this case called for more than one mind. The facts: All water mains in Malawi had been infected. 17,000,000 injured, 1,000 dead so far. They had been incredibly lucky that the people closest to them had escaped injury. The rest was unknown, or classified. The problem was this: Infected water mean infected plants, means infected bodies, means death. The doctors had been trying everything, scientists pulling all nighters ever since its introduction. The disease was not of natural causes, and had no name. Luckily the disease was not transmitted through air, but through almost everything else. “How’s the family.” Jack inquired.

“They’re good! Yours?”, Jacob responded.

“Good.”, was Jack’s response. They got to work, but there was no motive. Malawi was still the poorest country in the world. No real natural riches, and even if there was they were being ruined. Because the rain too, was infected.




“When in doubt, investigate.” His mentor had said. Jacob was in doubt, and next thing he knew, him and Jack were out the door. They started off in Jack’s rugged all wheel drive truck, out the gate, right turn, round the bend, left turn, and off to Dowa township to Dzaleka Refugee Camp. Their ears began to pop as they climbed higher and higher into the small mountain range, up and up, and up. Though in the midst of tragedy the sun shone brightly over the once green landscape. So they drove on. Upon arrival they were greeted by the entire crew, munching on samosas, they greeted them. But their greeting was brief, yet genuine, because time was running out, and lives were being lost. The only information they got that afternoon was that of which they already knew. The every source of water, besides bottled water, was undrinkable.

They didn’t know what to do, or even what to say, what to report. Not even what to think! How could somebody be so cruel? Hospitals were overflowing. Lives were being lost every hour, and they, the men trusted to solve it, were clueless.




The sound flung Jacob’s eyes open. The clock read 12:00. The world was dead quiet, except for the wail of man, laying in the street. A dying man. Two long, painful minutes later the noise was gone. Dead. He sat up. That was enough of that. with all his force he punched the wall, and sauntered out of the room. T minus 30 minutes.




All his commotion had woken up Jack as well. He got up to see what was the matter. “Pack your bags.” Jacob said. He meant business.

The two walked outside. The moon was blood red, the sun was nowhere to be found. “Perfect” Jacob grinned. The blood red moonlight glinted off his eyes like a fire. Sure, Jack hadn’t been around him for a while, but he knew that grin, Something crazy was about to go down.

It came into view at about 10:30 that morning. “You work here?” the taxi driver inquired, “No, we have an interview.” said Jacob, lying behind clenched teeth. “Oh, ok, cool, cuz this is a restricted area.” Jack’s head flew up, he’d heard “restricted area”. He didn’t really want to break into a joint anytime soon, and though he objected Jacob’s plan, he didn’t want to arouse the suspicion of the taxi driver. “You can drop us off here.” Jacob stated. “You sure, there not a thing here.” the taxi driver argued, “It’s good” said Jacob. The driver’s face distorted, and raised his left eye, then grinned, “Ok mon”. Perfect. They exited. “Dude! What are you doing? This is ESSS! This is the Ethiopian NASA!”




Jacob grabbed his backpack, zipped open the largest pocket, and snagged his computer. “You’re gonna hack them?”, said Jack, in a hushed yet rageful voice, already knowing the answer “Yeah.” Jacob said, as if it was just something normal people did. He shut his laptop. “Ok, come on. We’ve got five minutes.” said Jacob, turning his head to face the rising sun. “Give him a shield and he would make a great Captain America” thought Jack.

Upon their arrival they we’re greeted by their guards “Sorry, Sir, you’re going to need to show your identification.” by this time Jack was sure that Jacob’s response was going to be “You don’t need to see my identification, these aren’t the droids you’re looking for.”, but instead Jacob’s response was “Have you had lunch? Cause you sure look hungry for a knuckle sandwich!” and BAM! Out like a light. He tossed the victim some Ibuprofen and a get well card, “Sorry dude, the sacrifices we have to make to save others.” he spoke to unconscious man, as if they could have actually been having a conversation, then turned to Jack, “I’m sure he’ll understand.”, “But, won’t he remember your face?”, Jack asked. “Nah. He’ll be lucky to remember what car he drives” said Jacob with a strained face, “Let’s go.” he said, swiping his newly acquired Identification card (we’ll let you guess where he got that..).

“Okay, cool.” said Jack, “we’ve breached security, now what?”, “That wasn’t security.”, said Jacob, a puzzled look spreading over his face, “That was the gate tender.” “Oh.” said Jack, trying to hide how perplexed he felt, He had woken up a mere 7 minutes ago, he had no need to be too hard on himself. So they walked on and came across a gate this time guarded by lasers. He scanned in, and walked through. Soon they came across humans,  Jacob sighed, “Here comes the fun part.” he said, comically in an unhappy manner of speech. “What’s our plan?” Jack asked insistently, to which Jacob solemnly “Follow me, and don’t die.” He tore through the line of men at the speed of light, leaping into the air. The only contact made was the intersecting of their solar plexus’ and his two, leather fitted feet. He landed like a ninja. He ran like the wind. So did Jack. Left turn, past the secretary, through a maze of computer monitors, knobs, and buttons, through a room full of space suits, and past the secretary once more. “It’s just a game of tag..” thought Jack, trying to ease his brain. Just tag with guns, and people who want to kill me. He saw Jacob dive through a rapidly closing door. Jack lunged with all the muscle his legs could muster, and all the force his joints could bear. Safe. “Take this!” yelled Jacob, chucking a space suit his way. They had only a matter of seconds before the gargantuan mob of ESSS employees burst through the door. They were dressed in an instant and out the large revolving doors in a flash. Up, and up they ran. Death breathing down their necks, and just when they thought impossible to run any longer the shuttle came into view. Jack didn’t want to do this, but he had no choice. It was ride, or die. Jacob lunged through the nearly closed pressurized door which was about to reach the floor, Jack slid, limboing underneath the lumbering door, and not a moment later steel met steel, and their one opportunity of exit was lost. T minus 30 seconds.

The shuttle sore upwards, carrying the sweat laden detectives. Both Jacob and Jack sat drenched, hovering over the control booth. Jack didn’t have the energy to be mad at Jacob. Though his trust was being stretched, he was just glad to be alive.

They woke up to a killer view of planet Earth. They sat there in awe for a good hour, “Woah.” said Jack, flipping out his Moto E to snap a pic. “You think I should text my wife that were in space?” asked Jacob. “Dude, your an idiot. You don’t get service in space.” replied Jack, with a textbook perfect eyeroll. Jacob smiled, “Ha, it’s been a long day.” “Yeah, it sure has.” said Jack, a smile spreading across his face. “Grab me that telescope lens, would ya?”, “Sure dude”, He took the lens and whipped out his camera. 500 shots later he was done. He radioed into ground control, they claimed they were going to arrest him as soon as the space shuttle touched ground. As they re-entered the atmosphere they devised a plan, a plan they had been frequenting this entire case. Follow Jacob and don’t die.




And so that plan was executed right when the space shuttle touched the ground, they lept out of the rocketship while it was still traveling at speeds of around 100 mph, and ran, for their life. Though Jacob was in front, nobody in particular was leading the whole thing they had just agreed to meet up where they had been dropped off by the taxi. They got there, drenched in their own sweat once more, and ran to the airport and hid in the bathroom, if it could even be called that. The pictures on Jacob’s camera proved promising, but they decided to keep them to themselves.

Though the airport was full of people, and they were a needle in a haystack, they knew that their round trip tickets would expose them and they would be arrested on the spot. They decided to camp out in the airport overnight, call an old friend who would be their ride back to Lilongwe in the morning. But they didn’t sleep. It was too dangerous. Their ride arrived at 7:30 exact, in a nice looking secondhand pickup truck. It was Moses. They greeted each other with smiles, but sadly, very sadly, they had no time to talk, they could talk for days. “So what are you two delinquents up to now?” he said, a smile breaching his face. “Y’know, saving the world.” said Jacob wryly, a smile breaking out on his face as well. “It’s good to see you man!” said Moses, “It’s good to see you too man!”, they talked as they drove through the beautiful landscape of Eastern Africa, forgetting about their troubles as if the wind whipping through the open windows had blown them away. But they were shaken back to reality as they arrived back in Lilongwe, the lines at the hospital being measured in kilometers. They pulled up to the house, and were greeted by Richard, the gatekeeper/garden-keeper they had given him off until the crazy scenario had settled, but he had gotten bored. Upon entering the wide doors of the house Jacob threw Jack his phone, with the commands “Get it off the grid.” sure, Jacob could’ve done that, but he had other work to do, and besides, Jack was faster at it. Both had studied code and encryption in college. Jacob forward his photos to his scientist friend back in the states the 7 hour time change wouldn’t matter, the guy pulled some crazy hours. Within half an hour a reply was waiting for him in his inbox. “Dude, I don’t know what you’ve gotten yourself into, but get out. The compound has no exact name, but hypothetically could poison rain water in the clouds above our very heads” Okay, his scientist friend had a habit of being pathetically out of touch with world news, nothing to new.. The answer was simple, Ethiopia had poisoned the rain water, and all water sources besides bottled water from the states. They were in the correct position to drop the veil of deadly gas. But they weren’t just out for Malawi, they were out for the whole world.




He wished he hadn’t been stupid, hadn’t been wrong. There were barely any Ethiopian exports anywhere. He should’ve know. They had not the power, nor the will to take over the world. He should’ve known.




The African Union. There was a meeting. A meeting that they could still make. Near all of Africa’s leaders would be present, and that would be where the attempt of world domination would start. The assassination of the leaders of Africa, provoking continent wide panic, provoking world wide panic, provoking world domination. Just the right position, the right opportunity, and a lucky breakthrough in science. Motive: what envios power wouldn’t want to take over the world if they had the chance!


(18 hours later)


This time the duo would have to be stealthy. If they were caught this wouldn’t be a punishment of a fine, or being left on the street, or tazed, or shot. The penalty would probably be death, and if they were lucky, a lifetime in a maximum security prison for stealing a spaceship. Great. To what normal eyes would see a gutter, a handrail, and a chimney, to the two’s eyes were an easy method of infiltration. The meeting had begun a minute ago. Time to move. Jack bounced off the handrail and swung his legs up onto the roof, the gutter his hand supports, he strode up to the chimney Jacob at his heels. Jacob didn’t understand these people, the temperature never got below 60, yet they needed a fireplace? Odd. But they wouldn’t argue, it wasn’t on, and it was their way in. They dropped in, Jack first, Jacob second. They hardly felt the scrapes as they sprinted through security setting off a gazillion alarms. They burst open the door of 12U to fall right into the clutches of Jacob Zuma, the president of South Africa, and he was holding a gun. He grinned proudly, and addressed them “Well done.. Well, well, well, well done.. How intelligent! You must be so proud of yourselves. But, really? Ethiopia? The weak witted creeps. They could never pull off a stunt like that.” He said, grinning from ear to ear and producing a veil from his pocket containing a deep, dark, purple liquid,”Of anyone, surely it is South Africa who has the power to take over the world. The United Nations saw no threat! No-one would ever suspect us to have been concealing a secret weapon. ‘They’re too weak!’ they would say. ‘Not politically strong enough’ they would say. But nobody would know. We were the least of their worries.” The two cousins closed their eyes, and heard the bullet explode from the pistol three feet away from them, but was intersected by Mulatu Teshome, the president of Ethiopia. “Get him!”, the president yelled. Zuma turned one way, then the other, and before realizing there was no exit, was thrown to the floor by the strong arms of the two detectives. Just then the police burst through the door. The detectives shuddered, but were assured by the men’s compliments “Men, I believe your duties are done here.” chief Muzangi informed, “Good work.” “Yeah.. Sorry ‘bout that spaceship”, Jacob said. “All expenses are paid for.” he replied, “Our sincere thanks for your assistance in service.” “It was my honor.”, replied the American, beaming.




He wished it would’ve never existed. Never have been created or allowed. Never have been taken in by the human race. The fight for power. He wished greed had never come. Real people get hurt, real people die, because of greed. Because of selfishness. There are real scars that never heal. Bones that are left broken. Lives that are left wasted. Aspirations that are left unmended and dreams left demolished. People get hurt, and some never fully recover, all so that other people can get what they want. Real mysteries hurt. Real mysteries leave a mark. He wished he could resurrect all the dead people killed, all the lives that were broken, and all the spirits that been crushed but there had been no good ending here, because in cases of greed people get hurt. Permanent damage is done.


February 18

Why Is It Important To Study Christian Persecution?

Because it’s real. That’s why. We live in a world where we experience a fraction of what others experience. We have that side of our life easy. They have it hard. There’s no sense in being stupid! God calls us to be educated! To think! Sure, not everyone in this world has access to good education, or education at all. God has given us the privilege, and curse, of knowledge.  Frankly, every blessing comes with at least one curse. As you grow up you trade in your innocence for wisdom and knowledge. You learn stuff you need to learn, and at the same time as it was something valuable to learn, you wish that you hadn’t learned it.

We don’t just study this because it’s real. We study this because we can do something about it. If you’re in my native country circle of amigos, and possibly outside of the US too, you could give these people money! If I recall the information correctly, a one brick in Malawi is around 7 US cents. $0.07! Sure, not all of the bricks are that great, and Malawi isn’t a country with a high persecution rate, but I think you get my idea. We are loaded, we can lend our money to help. If someone with no money at all learned about this their knowledge would still be important, but they couldn’t give any money. They could pray though! I’m not saying that they are not important because they have no money, I’m just saying that those of us who do could help out.

I’m sure there are many other reasons why it is good to learn about Christian persecution, but those are just a couple.

Until next time!

Jacob H.

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February 1

Ideal Church vs. Early Church

In Bible class this week we wrote down some aspects of our ideal churches, ideas ranged everywhere from free Starbucks, to private mountains, to Steph Curry as our pastor, from food bars to bible that automatically turn to the right page (so you don’t miss the entire sermon), from being sponsored by nike to throwing tomatoes at people for fundraising, to .. a nuclear factory?! (who wrote that!?). From A to Z, everything was covered. A few sane-minded people actually included a nursery, since babies couldn’t nap in a hard floored gym, and different worship music. In fact, people even recommended church in bed (a great idea, in my opinion) Oh, we also studied the early church in bible, they were alright. But ‘Modern Church 10.1’ has all we need right? Beds, Bars, TVs (to watch church on), and, besides, if you get hungry you can just attack the church walls, they’re made of chocolate. So church is basically candy land, or Willy Wonka’s HeadQuarters. Everything is perfect, right? Sure, as long as there are no poor people, or people who get on your nerves. I mean, ‘Modern Church 10.1’ is perfect as long as nobody does anything to disturb your privacy, or gets on your nerves. As long as they just “let it be”, church should be good, right? No. Unlike ‘Modern Church 10.1’, people in the early church actually shared stuff. They didn’t have their own individual bedrooms to watch TV in. In fact, some people probably didn’t even have a roof over their heads at first. The early church shared, nobody was poor. Your bedroom wasn’t ‘yours’, it was ‘ours’, for you and anyone who didn’t have one. There was no ‘Mine!’. Besides, nothing was really ‘theirs’ anyways, it was God’s. I mean, nothing in ‘Modern Church 10.1’ is theirs either. It’s still all God’s. Okay, you get it now. Selfishness is bad, welcome back to first grade Sunday school. But instead of thinking of how bad selfishness is, think of how great sharing is! Quoted by Carebears or not, sharing is caring, and it seems that the only people we share with is ourselves. You may think us becoming ‘Modern Church 10.1’ is a long ways off, but I can see some glimpses already. I know people who’ve been going to the same church for ten years, and don’t know each other. No offense, but that’s the problem with having multiple morning services (*sigh). Get to know your church family! Don’t be that shady uncle who you’ve never met and your parents don’t talk about because “just because”. Let’s all be family, and family knows each other, and one particularly useful way to get to know your church family is to share. Stuff, ideas, opinions, you get it. Lets be like the early church, and share. Lets get to know each other. But.. You can’t do that reading this blog post.. GO!

See you eventually!

Jacob H