versículo biblico

2 Pedro 1:20-21 20Ante todo, tengan muy presente que ninguna profecía de la Escritura surge de la interpretación particular de nadie. Porque la profecía no ha tenido su origen en la voluntad humana, sino que los profetas hablaron de parte de Dios, impulsados por el Espíritu Santo.

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your invited!

Dear Skwakalobe, Your invited to come to the United States to visit, and yes I know you live on Neptune but I can tell you where to go. The United States is located in the continent of North America. The U.S. is in North West hemisphere, south of Canada, West of the Prime Meridian, North […]

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well today i’m putting on the history historian hat. he asks how?, who?, what?, why? and when?. so that is the blog for the day

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Well, i can’t write about video games today, so well “go” means to go make  disciples and personally i think it is a good choice.

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