Jenna's Blog

School posts

God at Work

In bible class we have been learning about how God, thought out his life, has prepared Paul to be a great missionary to people all around. One big thing that Saul had was money. His family was wealthy. From that,… Continue Reading →


In science, we have been building volcanoes. My group’s volcano was Mount Fuji, a composite volcano. Mount Fuji is made of layers of basalt. 

Persecution Prodject

The past week and a half, we have been working on a christian persecution project on Oman with my group, Leeda, Audrey, and me. We made a crate with a little enactment of a scene that could happen in Oman.

Spaghetti and Marshmallow Tower

This week in science we had to make a tower made of raw spaghetti and Marshmallows. One Marshmallow is 1 centimeter and one spaghetti stick is 25 centimeters. On the top of the tower we made a little nest for… Continue Reading →

Theme Wrighting

Jenna King Mrs. Roskamp LA, 8C 11 September 2017 Theme Writing Lost In Love This is love:not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. Dear Friends, since… Continue Reading →

Beginning of the year reflections

One thing that I have enjoyed this year was camp. I loved when we got to play nucum in the rain, since I could engage with people but also have fun. I also loved when we got to do the… Continue Reading →

Boat Races

   We had a piece of Styrofoam as the bottom of the boat. Then we had half of a Styrofoam cup hot glued on, on top of that we had another cup hot glued on. On the front we had… Continue Reading →

Summer Vacation

This summer I have had a lot of fun with my family and friends. There was one time over the Forth of July that I a lot of fun. My family went to my friends grandparents house for the weekend…. Continue Reading →

Español Projecto Final

Proyecto Final   < Resumen > Yo aprendí que en los amazónicas, hay muchas medicinas, madera, y cursos de cáncer que podemos usar. Pero solo podemos usarlo si tenemos casualidad, y no consumimos demasiado. Si consumimos demasiado, después muchos plantas… Continue Reading →

Unión Africana

En el Union Africana, nosotros teníamos un proceso como Debate Formal, Caucus, Debate Formal, Caucus, Debate Informal y Procedimiento de Votación.  Había muchos personas quien estaban por democracia, pero ni había un resolución que paso. Kenya esta por democracia para que ellos… Continue Reading →




Today we watched a movie called Invictus. This movie was really cool the way they showed how the relationship between the White South African’s and the Black South African’s changed. I really liked how Nelson M. leaded the government. He… Continue Reading →

Eagle Huntress

After watching the Film, I learned that no mater what your gender is, or if some people believe in you and others don’t, you should always follow your dreams. By doing this, you prove to yourself you can do it,… Continue Reading →


Rosa Parks

Camp Reflection 2

Ephesians 2:4-10 – God is rich in Mercy. He has incomparable riches of grace and kindness. “It is the gift of God.” Am I praising him for the incomparable riches that he gives us? Romans 12:3-16 – Everyone has a… Continue Reading →

En contra de la independencia para Cataluña Hola, mi querido pueblo. Hoy vamos a escoger algo que va a afectar a muchas familias por nuestro decision. Hay cosas afectivas en los dos lados. Lo que escoges va a ser algo que todos saben de. Así que,… Continue Reading →

Themes of the Old Testament

Names of the Bible Sinai Law Covenants Call Salute to a king   Slavery/Salvation Symbol of the Lamp   A Savior


Fútbol – Barcelona

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