
  1. Each day I would wake up at around 10 and go to the blog to see the work. Then I would do the math for a while ad take a break. After my break, I would do any other work till lunch. Then after lunch, I would do whatever I wanted till 5 then eat supper. And after supper, I would finish anything I didn’t finish earlier, then after that, I would do what I want again.
  2. There was a lot of math, it was easy but it took a long time to finish. It was nice out most of the week so I went outside and that was fun. Also, since there wasn’t church on Sunday me my dad and two of my brothers took my dog for a walk. There wasn’t a lot of school work so I had a lot of extra time. Our family spent a lot of time together so we’re getting sick of each other.
  3. I think we have too much math homework and it takes too long. Also, the zoom chats are a good idea for some work times. And how Mrs. Z is doing some people at a time, not the whole class. I think the dragon game Mr. Kapenga has us do helps with understanding better. Also, that working at home is challenging because there are so many distractions and its hard to stay focused.

One thought on “Reflection

  1. I get the distraction issues! My college kids stay up so late! Take your dog for another walk to get out of the house:)

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