Africa Simulation

After doing the Africa simulation today, my view of Africa changed. I learned that HIV is a major disease that we don’t think about often in the United States because we have access to vaccinations that are not found in Africa. during this Africa unit, I am excited to learn about the different cultures in Africa. I also am going to really enjoy researching the current events in my country. I used to think that Africa was isolated and has no modern technology. After today, I realized that Africa has a lot of technology, like cell phones and computers. I did not know the 65% of the world’s diamonds came from Africa, and that leads me to wonder why Africa is not more wealthy than it is. this experiment reminded me of the movie ‘Black Panther’ when everybody thinks Wakanda is a super poor country when really it is the most technologically advanced country in the world. (note: Wakanda is not a real country.)

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