African Union Day

African Union Day was a day where we acted like representatives for a country. My country was Ghana. We tried to think of a solution to the conflict in Burundi. We wrote a resolution and got other countries to sign and sponsor us. Then we presented it to all of the other countries. We debated then we made motions to vote on it and see if it was passed.

The most significant thing I learned was that countries have different opinions on ways to solve a problem and just because they didn’t have the same idea as you that didn’t mean it was wrong. One thing  I found interesting was that a group voted against the one that they signed on because they were the ones that made it

Invictus Response

In the movie the Security Guards relationship changes from the beginning to the end. In the beginning when they white guards were sent in, the blacks wanted htem out. After the were required to work together they hardly talked and the room was very tense. As the movie progressed their relationship was becoming less tense. At the end of the movie they weren’t just coworkers they were almost friends. The represents South Africa post-apatheid because blacks and whites were working together and having fun together.