Amazon rainforest people

Based on the six groups we looked at I think that the environmentalists have the best argument. I think this because they want to develop and conserve the rainforest and study it for different things about the animals or find a cure for cancer. They also want to not cut it down because it holds more than one third of the earths population of animals, plants, and trees. The rainforest also has more biodiversity than anywhere else



I don’t agree with the other groups because the loggers want to cut down and destroy the rainforest with the animals and their habitat that the environmentalists could study and possibly make a cure for something. I also don’ t agree with the cattle ranchers. They have plenty of room outside of the Amazon rainforest to raise cattle and other animals. I think that the rubber tappers and native Amazonians are ok too. They want to keep the rainforest how it is and get rubber and live life the way it should be in the rain forest not cutting down trees for money or cattle.

BIble Exam thing



Conflict and doubt




sent to Promised land


symbol of a lamp



something is rotten



slide to destruction



a savior
