Electric Circuits


Posted by kcook22 | Posted in Culture Blog | Posted on November 15, 2013

Electric Circuit

  • A switch can open and close a circuit.

  • when a switch is open it will not flow.

  • When a switch is closed it will flow.

     What did you learned from the experiment? I learned how to make a circuit with a light bulb,wire,and battery. The battery is called the source. The light bulb is called the load. The wire is called the path and that is what you need to make a circuit.The battery has a positive and negative side.

How does what you learned apply to a pinball machine?

          I will make an electric circuit with a light bulb so it will light up. I can put a circuit by the fins so they can move back and forth. The steel is a good conductor. Ball will close a circuit to make a buzzer go off.

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